Francis Galton
Murray, 1864
Galton wrote this travel guide, but was not credited by the publisher.
A PDF facsimile of some representative sections of the first edition of 1864.
The book was favourably received (review by John R. Leifchild in The Athenaeum (No. 1925, September 17, 1864): 363) and a
second edition was issued
in 1867.
Complete PDF Facsimile of the 1867 edition.
According to Pearson (Life II: 11):
In 1864 Galton wrote for John Murray a knapsack guide for Switzerland, which just deserves mention under the heading of travel. It reached a second edition, the one I have examined. The late Mr. John Murray paid Galton. £150 for the copyright. It was one of a series of four (Switzerland, Italy, Norway and Tyrol) which have since passed out of sight. The general plan is very much what we now associate with Baedeker, and the hints as to hotels and the character of landlords were more or less original in those days. Galton's name is not associated with the work and there is little to identify it with his personality. He does not mention it in the Memories, it is omitted in lists of his books and memoirs, and the present writer never heard him refer to it. It is nevertheless a substantial piece of work. How and when did Galton obtain his knowledge of Switzerland? The answer may be found in the brief yearly records of , "Frank's Life" and "Louisa's Life" on opposite pages from 1830 to 1853, and then carried on in common by Mrs. Galton until her death in 1897, which year is written by Francis Galton himself. From this Record' we find that not only was a considerable portion of the wedding tour devoted to Switzerland (1853), but in 1856 the Galtons were in Switzerland and the Tyrol. In 1857, 1861, 1862 both were again in Switzerland, and in 1863, Francis Galton, probably to complete the knapsack guide, was alone in Switzerland. Thus his experience was fairly ample for a guide which was intended not for the high-peak climber, but for the `Thalbummler,'. or for the tourist in the broader sense.