OCR Rendition - approximate
654 Index Lock, C. S., his opinion of Eugenics, IIIA 260 Lock, R. H., on heredity, IIIA 303 Lock, invented by Galton, 1148 Locke, on generic image of man, 11298 Lockyer, Norman, and journalism, 1167-69 Logic, in educational scheme, 11155 Lombro8o, and modern criminology, II 232; on in heritance of ability, MA 102 London, Galton's early stay in, 191 London, Jack, `Call of the Wild` by, IIIB 551 London County Council, and the Galton Laboratory, MA 322; material provided by, III& 386 Longevity, of various classes, 11116; and health, 11266, 349; inheritance of, 11348, 349; inquiry concerning, 11 349, 350; of the Galton, MA 347, IIIB 594; source of, in the Galton family, 126 Loops, in finger-prints, types of, MA 209, IIIA 213 Plates XXIV, XXVI; sheet of types, IIIA, pocket in case; counting ridges of, IIIA 201-202 Loti, Pierre, at Ascain, IIIB 561 Louping-ill, E. Wheler-Galton's report on, MB 564-566 Lourdes, Galton at, MB 553 Lovelace, Lady, presents collection of casts to Galton Laboratory, 1180 Lowe, E. J., on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, IIIA 127 Lowell, J. R., pall-bearer at Darwin's funeral, III$ 471 Lowell Institution, and Galton, 11 361 Loxton, home of Erasmus Galton, sketch of, I 48 Plate XXTX; Erasmus Cfalton farms at, I 125, MB 528, 543; improvements in, IIIB 595; cavern at, IIIB 606; Galton visits Erasmus at, I 111, 147, MB 527, 528. See also IIIB 601 Loyola, MB 567, 568 Lubbock, Sir J., and anthropology, 11334; and care in choice of words, IIIB 506; peerage of, IIIB 516. See also Avebury, Lord Lunar Society, and Samuel Galton, 146,47; Dr Erasmus Darwin a member of, 161; meeting place of, 148, 49 Plate XXXT Luschan, von, skin colour scale of, II 226 Lu8hington, Sir V., pedigree of, IIIA 343, 345, 356 Lutz, F. E., paper of, in 'Biometrika,' IIIA 251 Lyall, A., on the Indian Civil Service, MA 327 Lying, Salonika centre of gravity of, in Europe, 11341 Lynch, surveys the Jordan and Dead Sea, 1205 Lyndhuret,Galtonat, 11130, III& 374-377, IIIB 593,594 Lyndon, Dr, attends Galton, IIIB 613, 617, 618 Lyons, Capt. (now Sir H. G.), visits Galton, MB 608 Lyrics, of Sir Charles Sedley, 120 Macalister, Prof. A., on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, IIIA 126; on Evolution Committee, M A 290; meets Galton in Egypt, IIIB 517, 518 MacAli8ter, Sir D., and Galton-MacAlister curve, 11228; interest of, in Eugenics, IIIA 430; on law of geometric mean, MB 468 McCaskie, Dr, attends Galton, IIIB 596, 597 Macdonell, Mr, becomes engaged to Miss Hertz, MB 469 Macdonell, W. R., correlation coefficients of, compared with Galton's values, MA 53, 54; on correlation of Bertillon measurements, II 305, 383, IIIA 188; on. criminal anthropometry, MA 247; paper of, for 'Biometrika,' IIIA 248, 249; one of originalguarantors for ' Biometrika,' IIIA 250
Mackinder, H. J., and the Fellowship in National Eugenics, MA 222, 223 McLennan, D., Galton visits, IIIB 470 MacMahon, P. A., and technical scientific terms, MA 334 Macmillan, on `Finger Print Directory,' MA 151 Macnaghten, Lord, elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, Hon. Fellowship, IIIA 236, 238; meets Galton at Trinity College, IIIB 574 Macnaghten, M. L., and identification of criminals, .IIIA 149 Macrobiue, MA 290,291 Magazines, mid-Victorian, 11117 `Magnum Opus,' of Roger Bacon, possible purchasers for, MB 527 Magnus, Sir Philip, and Galton Committee, MA 386 Mahan, Capt. A. T„ honour bestowed on, IIIB 494 Mahomed, Dr F. A., and composite portraits of the phthisical, 11290-292; and the' Life-History Album,' 11366, 367 Maine, Sir H., at Cambridge, I 141, 153, 164; obtains Chancellor's English Medal, 1167 Mair, D., to be consulted regarding plans for eugenic certificates, IIIA 296 Maitland, Prof, elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, Hon. Fellowship, IIIA 236, 238 Makarius, Galton meets in Egypt, IIIB 519 Mallock, W. H., novel by, IIIB 595, 596 Malthua, Galton on maxims of, 11110, 265 Malthusian League, MA 304 Mammals, need of work in their case, IIIA 401 Man, Darwin and Galton on, II 86; ancestry of, 11 85, 274, 275; source of slavish aptitudes in, 11 72, 73; herd instinct in, 1172, 73;-domestication of, IIIA 219, 220; and his environment, MA 218, 219; nature and nurture of, 11254; and heredity, 11117; and civilisa tion, 11 85; duty of, regarding evolution, II 263; future of, lIlA 217-220; inequalities in, MA 347, 348; on earth, IIIA 318; Galton, on salvation of, 11 109, 110; generalisations regarding, II 298; and woman, artistic gifts in, MA 66; sensitivity of, 11 221-222
of, 11 235 Mann, Dr, on drawing of Bushmen, 11 239-240 Manouvrier, his lecture on `bertillonage,' IIIA 148 Map Making, and measurements in Africa, 1232, 234 Maps, 1121, 22; proposals for, 1129,30, 33, 34, IIIB 461; stereoscopic, 11283; meteorological, 113"3, 1136 Plates V, VI, 11 38 Plate VII; portable frames for maps of world, MB 462 - Marking, system of, for bodily efficiency, 11382, 386 396 Marks, desirable tests carrying, 11388 Marlborough College, statistics from, 11343, 396 Marriage, early, and fertility, 11110, 123-125, 265, 266, 408, 409; factors influencing, I,I 112, 149, IIIA 265, 270, 273; customs regarding, IIIA 233, 234, 267-270; among primitive peoples, MA 267-270; German and Austrian laws regarding, IIIA 268; interference with freedom of, MA 269; and religion, MA 269; and civic worth, MA 233, 242; within the caste, II 121; into tainted stock, II 132; of cousins, 11188, IIIB 470; encouragement of, in good stock, 11139; the modern woman and, H 132-134; Bernard Shaw on con ventions regarding, MA 260 Mare, signals from, 11279, 280 Marshall, Prof. Alfred, criticises work of Eugenics Laboratory, MA 408, 430 Martin, Prof. R., eye scale of, II 226 Martin, Sophia, poem of, on Eugenics, MA 357 Mason, Mr, teaches Galton mathematics, 188, 99