OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 653 Krause, his Life of Dr Erasmus Darwin, II 192, 202, 203 Kreil, meteorological assistance of, II 39 Kubalees, atrocities of, in Africa, 1237 Kubo, researches of, on finger-prints, IIIA 140, 194 Kuhn, P., letter of, with photographs showing Galton's name on rock in Ovampoland, IIIB 616-617, III$ 617 Plate LIX Labour, capacity for, and civic prosperity, IIIA 401 Lagrange, Dr F., 'Physiologic des exereices du corps,' IIIB 478 Lake Ngami, first explorer to reach, 11 35 Lake Nyanza, and climate, 11 36 Lake at Otchikoto, rook on, where Galton's name can still be read, 11112 617 Plate LIX; see also 1216 Plate LVII (Galton spells also 'Omutchikota') Lalanne, anamorphic geometry of, applied to ogive curve, II 402 Lamarck, and transmission of acquired characters, II 147; Dr Erasmus Darwin and, 11202, 203 Lambeth Palace, Galton's inquiries at, IIIB 578 Lamp, Galton's, 1148, 149 Lander, and the African memorial, 11 25 Lane Fox, and anthropology, II 334 Languages, defects of, II 251, 252; modern, in educational scheme, II 155 Lankester, Sir E. Ray, on Committee for Measurements of Plants and Animals, IIIA 127,128,291; on heredity and tradition, IIIA 410,411; eugenic ideas of, IIIA 341; and experimental zoology, IIIA 129; Galton and, IIIB 605; Medallist of Linnean Soc., IIIA 340; death of, IIIA 342 Laplace, Galton introduced to theorem of, I 163; and of mathematics to social phenomena, application A Laplace-L;aussian Curve. See Normal Curve Larches, The, Galton's birth at, 162; Darwin's recollee tions.of, 1241; left by the Galtons, 174; description of, I 75; plan and sketch of, I 75 Plate XLV; Dr Priestley and, 151, 62, 75 Laski, H. J., Galton's interest in, IIIB 606, 608; letter of Galton to, 11IB 608, 609 Latency, Galton on, 11170, 171, 182, 364; and fertility, Latent Elements, IIIA 76 Latin, in education, 167 Law of Ancestral Heredity. See Heredity. Law of Deveateon from an Average, applied to discussions on heredity, 1189; Galton on, 11335. See also Ogive, Normal Curve Lawrence, Sir T., albino orchids of, IIIA 360, 370 Laws, Galton lays down, for Namaqualand natives, 1226-230, 1226 Plate LVIII Leaders, amongst wild animals and men, 11 73, 74 League of Nations, and racial boundaries, IIIA 219; and international Eugenics, IIIA 220 Leamington, Galton's home at, 174; visits to, 11 11, 53, 70, 161, 180 Least discernible Difference, Galton's method of measure ment by, 11 303, 304, 307; outline of Greek girl to illustrate, IIIA ix, Extra Plate Lecoq de Boisbaudran, and visualisation, 11253 Lee, Dr Alice, work of, IIIA 248; recommends Ethel M. Elderton to Galton, IIIA 258; resignation of post in Biometric Laboratory, IIIA328; degree of,1II8513-515 Lee, Sidney, Galton consults, I11B 529 Leeds, Karl Pearson to lecture at, IIIB 514 Lefevre, Sir J., large head of, IIIA 248 Lefngwell, on illegitimacy, IIIB 492 Left-handedness, and finger-prints, M A 169 Legal Ability, inheritance of, II 93 Legislature, Upper House of, and inheritance of ability, IIIA 32-34 Lengths, photographic measurement of, 11316, 317 Lennard, Sir J., death of, III8 516 Lens, Galton's mounted watchmaker's, for comparing finger-prints, MA 155,178, and I Frontispiece Le Pury, Galton rents house from, IIIB 613 Lethbridge, Mrs (Millicent Bunbury), niece of Galton, 1193, IIIA 281, 435; travels with Galton to Auvergne, 193, 94; stays with Galton, IIIA 393, IIIB 574, 597, 603-605; children of, MB 530, 532, 534, etc.; joins Eugenics Education Society, IIIB 587; brailles Galton's 'Memories,' IIIB 604; letters of Galton to, on prayer, IIIB 471, IIIA 412, IIIB472,520-522,528-536, 540-617; recollections of Galton by, Me 446 149; portrait of, TUB 471 Plate XLVIII; assistance of, to biographer, I viii, IIIA vii Lethbridge, Amy ('Dim'), great-niece of Galton, IIIB 521, etc. Lethbridge, B. G. B., great-nephew of Galton, education of, IIIB 473 . Lethbridge, Frank, IIIB 530, 532, etc. Lethbridge, Guy, great-nephew of Galton, IIIB 518, 520, 579, etc.; saves a life, IIIB 544-546, 548; appointment of, 1IIB 586 Lethbridge, Hugh, great-nephew of Galton, a curate in Exeter, IIIB 610, etc. Lethbridge, R., great-nephew of Galton, 1118 518, 521 Letters, or numbers, associated with colours, II 253 Lewenz, work of, on correlation of phalanges, IIIA 256, Lewes, G. H., and spiritualism, 1166; and 'The Reader' or 'Nature,' 11 68, 69 Library, of Galton, 11 12 License, poets and sexual, 11 99 Lichfield Cathedral, monument in, to Dr Erasmus Darwin, II 202-204,111- 476 Liebig, Galton proposes to work under, I 126, 127; laboratory of, 1128-130 Liebreich, Prof. Oscar, paper on `Generic Images' sent to, MD 469 Liige, Galton's sketch at, 194, Plate XLIX Life, expectation of, and heredity, III8 536-539; after death, Galton on, IIIA 91 Life-Histories of progenitors, value of, 11302, 303 'Life-History Album,' original scheme of, II 355, 362, 366; and 'Record of Family Faculties,' 11 363-370 Lighthouse Signals, note on, by Galton, 11 50 Limitation of Family, evils of, 11 110-111, IIIA 243 Lindley, Prof., lectures.on Botany of, 1121, 123 Linnaeus, and strawberry cure for gout, IIIA 124 Linnean Society, Samuel Galton and the, 147; Darwin Wallace celebration of, 11201, IIIA 340-342; honours Galton, IIIA 340-342 Linseer, Carl, memoir of, 11 143 Lions, in Africa, 1222-224 Lippmann, von, pamphlet by, III8 500, 503 Lister, Lord, remarkable head of, IIIA 248; a Copley medallist, IIIA 431, IIIB 614 Lister, J. J., attacks Biometry, IIIA 297-300; address of, at Brit. Assoc., IIIB 579 Litchfield, Mrs, sends 'A Century of Family Letters,' by Mrs Darwin, to Galton, IIIB 536; to stay with Galton, III8 540 Literary Aptness of Galton as a child, 163, 64 Literary Men, 1196; gifts of, 11256 Literature, in educational schemes, II 155 Livia, wife of Augustus, portrait of, and composite, 11 296 Plate XLIII Livingstone, travels of, in Africa, 1214-216, II 30, 35; and African memorial, II 25; writes first of the Zambezi,1HB 548