OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 655 Masters, Maxwell. T., on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, MA 127, 291 Maternallmpressions,11279; Galton's views on influence of, 11146, 209; de Candolle on, II 209, 210 Mathematical Analysis, Galton's, and coefficient of reversion, IIIA 7-9; aid from Dickson in, IIIA 12, 13 Mathematical Studies, of Galton, 188-90, 99-101, 107; advice from Darwin and Bowman regarding, I 110; advice from Hodgson on, 1113; at Cambridge, 1115, 140-195 Mathematicians, and 'Biometrika,' MA 256 Mathematics, inherited ability in, II 97; success in life and, II 97,98; in educational scheme, 11155, IIIA 302; mental imagery and, II 243; application of, to social phenomena, IIIA 1; and science of heredity, IIIB 504; need of, in statistical work, IIIA 302, 303 Mathison, Tutor of Trinity College, 1153,155,156,158160,162,163 Mating, and parentage, instincts of, MA 218 Maudsley, Dr Henry, on Eugenics, IIIA 259 du Maurier, G., drawing in 'Punch' of, MA 375 Maxwell-Mastere, see Masters Maxwell, Clerk, size of head and stature of, 11 150 Mean, Galton's method of determining, IIIA 24, 25; tables, giving some values of, for bodily characters with standard deviations, MA 54 Measurement, Galton's passion for, IIIB 458; value of habit of, II 382; need of, in anthropology, II 334; advantages of, to the measured, II 381; diurnal changes in, 1 1380; choice of,.11372, 373; by photo graphy, 11 316-323; of resemblance, II 329-333; IIIB 562, 564, 565, 569, 576; by least discernible difference, 11 303; anthropometric, II 336, 337, 370, 373; of individuality, II 303-306; of difference be tween individual and type, II 311-315; of physical powers, II 336; of bodily efficiency, 11 387, 388; of acuity of vision, 11222, 223, 336; of sight differences, difficulties of, II 303; of imagination and sensation, 11307, IIIB 493; of pain, 11408; of infants, IIIB 496; of animals, II 317, 318, 320-323; of correlation, IIIA 50-57; and map making in Africa, 1232 Measurer, fallibility of, 11380 Mechanical Aptitude, in scientists, 11 151 Mechanical Ingenuity, in Galton and his ancestors, 116, 60, 148-150, 181, 212, 213, II 3, 19, 35, 49-53, 59, 274. See also Galton, Francis, mechanical ingenuity of Mechanical Manipulation, in educational scheme, II 155 'Mechanical Selector,' for border-line cases, 11305, 306 Mechanics, Hopkins compliments Galton on his, 1166; mental imagery and, 11 243 Medallions, of Erasmus Darwin, by Onslow Ford, 11202, II 204 Plate XX; by Fassie, IIIB 473 Plate L; Galton's annual, specimen of, IIIB, below list of il lustrations Medals awarded to Galton, Royal Geographical, 1239; French Geographical Silver, 1239, IIIA 236; Huxley, of Anthropological 'Institute, IIIA 226, 235; Royal Gold Medal, II 201, IIIB 476; Darwin, of Royal Society, IIIA 236, 237; Darwin-Wallace Medal of Linnean Society, IIIA 340-342; Copley Medal of Royal Society, IIIA 400, IIIB 611, 614, 615 Median Value, Galton's definition of, 11338 Medians, and means, II 344; Galton's use of, IIIA 51, 54, 422; papers concerned with, 11400-405 Medical Life History, value of, 11359; Galton's interest in, 11 360; difficulty in obtaining, 11 360; scheme for obtaining, falls through, 11 361 Medical Men, visits to, in Heidelberg, I 95,•' indices of capacity for, 11 407 Medical Research Council, grants of, IIIA 361 Medical Research Fellowships, need for, 11 153 Medical Studies, of Galton-in Birmingham, I 92, 99104; at King's College, London, I 105-128; at Cambridge, 1180, 181, 184-187; at St George's Hospital, 1190, 191; Galton gives up his, 1193, 194, 196 Medicine, Galton dislikes the idea of practising, I 199; Sir Francis S. Darwin and, 122, 23 Medico-metric Laboratory, 11 359 Mediocrity, Galton on, 11384. 385 Meldola, Prof., on Committee for Measurement ' of Plants and Animals, M A 126,133,290,291; on a farm for experimental breeding, IIIA 134; suggests use of the word 'phylometry,' IIIB 500; Galton congratulates, I11B 614; letters of Galton to, IIIB 500, 501, 598,614 Melville, Col., interest of, in Eugenics, IIIA 392; calls on Galton, IIIB 593; praises Lord Haldane, IIIB 603 Memoirs, Papers and Letters to Journals of Francis Galton: (1) `The Telotype,' a printing Electric Telegraph (1849), 1212 (2) `Recent Expedition into the Interior of South Western Africa' (1852), 1215 (3) 'Modern Geography,' Cambridge Essays (J. W. Parker) (1855),11 21 (4) 'Ways and Means of Campaigning' (1855), II 14, 15,16, 17,18 (5) 'Course of Public Lectures in Camp at Aldershot' (Privately printed) (1856), 11 15 (6) 'Catalogue of Models, illustrating Camp Life' (Privately printed) (1858), If 18 (7) :The ExplorationofAridCountries'(1858),1124,25 (8) Sun Signals for the Use of Travellers' (1859), II 21 (9) 'Table for Rough Triangulation, etc.' (1860), 1123,24 (10) 'On a New Principle for the Protection of Riflemen' (1861), 11 18 (11) 'Additional Instrumental Instructions for Mr Consul Petherick' (1861), 11 27 (12) 'Zanzibar,' a Lecture at the C.M.S. (1861), 11 28 (13) 'Weather Map of the British Isles for Tuesday, September 3, 9 a.m.' (1861?), II 36 Plate VI (14) 'Synchronous Weather Chart of England, January 16, 1861, 9 a.m.' (1861), 1136, 38 Plate V (15) 'Circular asking for Synchronous Observations during one month three times daily, with Map' (Privately printed) (1861), 11 37 (16) 'English Weather Data, February 9, 1861, 9 a.m.' (1861), 1137 (17) 'Meteorological Charts' (1861), 11 37 (18) 'Recent Discoveries, in Australia' (1862), II 24 (19) 'Report on African Explorations' (1862), 11 27 (20) 'A Development of the Theory of Cyclones' (1862), 11 39 (21) 'Hereditary Talent and Character.' (Written 1864), 11 75, 88, 92. (Published 1865), 11 70 (22) 'On Stereoscopic Maps taken from Models of Mountainous Countries' (1865), 11 33, 34 (23) 'Spectacles for Divers and the Vision of Am phibious Animals' (1865), II 34 (24) 'The first Steps towards the Domestication of Animals' (1865), 11 70 (25) 'Domestication of Animals' (1865), 11 258 (26) 'On an Error in the usual Method of obtaining Meteorological Statistics of the Ocean' (1866), 1153,54 (27) 'On the Conversion of Wind Charts into Passage Charts' (1866), II 55, 56 (28) 'Drill Pantagraph, reducing horizontally and vertically to different Scales. Also a mechanical Computer of Vapour Tension. Report of Meteoro logical Council' (1869), 11 45-49