OCR Rendition - approximate
642 Index Darwinian Institute, a' future possibility, IIIA 311 Data, storing of, IIIA 101 Davenport, C., as American editor of ' Biometrika,' IIIA 244; on Inheritance of Eye Colour, IIIA 376; letter of, to Galton, IIIB 613 Davey, Sir Horace, honour conferred on, IIIB 494 Davies, Llewelyn, meets Galton at Trinity College, IIIB 574 Day, Mr, marries Miss Parker, IIIB 462 Dead Sea, Galton proposes to navigate the, 1205 Deaf-mutes, speech of, 11192; pigmentation of membrane of perilymph chamber in, IIIA 372 Deafness, of Galton, II 280, IIIA 276; aided by imagination, II 308; apparatus for, IIIB 603-604; Galton's sympathy for sufferers from, IIIB 584 Death, age at, of various classes, 11 116; statistics regarding, MA 70, 71 Debenham, W. E., on Galton's composite portraits, 11293 Decaisne, J., names a South African hyacinth ' Galtonia H. candicans,' IIIB 533, 534 Degeneracy, effect of differential fertility on, MA 9; a theory of, MA 372 Degenerate Stocks, social danger of, IIIA 373 Degeneration, of race, effect of conscription on, II 191, 192 Deity, Galton's conception of, 11 114 Demboa Lake, Galton determines to reach, 1220, 231 Demetrius Poliorcetes, composite portraits of, II 295, 11296 Plate XXXIX Democracy, and evolution, II 385; and Eugenics, IIIA 348, 349 Democratic Judgment, trustworthiness of, 11 403-405 'Demographers, Galton's address to, IIIA 218 Demolins, 'Anglo-Saxons' of, IIIB 553 Delndy, 3Miss Mary, data of, on the feeble-minded, Denison, E. B., and Galton, on ability and fertility of judges and peers, 11 93 Derby, The, Galton at, with Herbert Spencer, IIIA 123, 124, IIIB 627; flush of excitement at, IIIA 124 Descent, on value of, II 84, 93, 364; diagram illustrating scheme of, IIIA 230, 231 Desert, Galton's experiences of the, 1201-203 Desirables, and undesirables, IIIA 348 Deviation, from an average, and degrees of independence in cattle, 1173. See also Variation, Standard Deviation Devil, Catholics and the, IIIA 432, 433 Dew-Smith, anthropometric instruments of, II 226; photograph of Galton by, IIIA 217 Plate XXXI Diagram, of instrument for compounding six objects, 11 285; of camera, for composite portraiture, 11 289; illustrating photographic reduction of circle to ellipse, II 300; of 'absolute values at each rank,' II 390; illustrating standard scheme of descent, IIIA 230; illustrating graphical prodgss of finding slope of regression line, IIIA 52 Diamandi, arithmetic of, 11275, 276 Diary, Galton's, of school days, 183-86; tiny diaries of his late years, IIIB 618 Dice, suitability of, for verification of laws of frequency, 11 405 Dickinson, Lowes, portrait painter, IIIB 513 Dickson, J. D. H., and frequency surface, IIIA 12; and mathematical analysis of Galton's problems, IIIA 12, 13 Diet, effect of, on stature of races, 11 210 Difference, just perceptible, II 307, 308; 'Greek girl,' to illustrate, IIIA viii Extra Plate, facing Table of Contents Digital Defect, in twins, 11 181 Dinners, at Trinity College, Galton as undergraduate, 1844, complains of, 1182; in 1899, IIIB 513; in 1908, IIIB 574 Diplodocus, Galton calls on the, IIIB 543, 544 Diplomas (or register), for eugenically fit young people, 11120, 121, IIIA 231, 232, 234, 241, 242, 388. See also Certificates, ' Kantsaywhere' Discontinuity, in statistical frequencies, 11 411-414; in evolution, IIIA 31, 32, 79-82, 84-87, Discoverers, plans for, 11 27; scientific, and statesmen, !1 135 Discovery, geographical, 11 1, 2 Diseases, and piety, 11 101; liability to, and hair colour, 11354, 371; screening of liability to, 11360, 368, 369; heredity of, IIIA 70-76; -Galton's schedules for, IIIA 71-73; antagonistic, examples of, IflA 73 Disraeli, not as other men, IIIB 568 Dissolute Lives, effect of, on weight, IIIA 136, 137 Distance, photographic measurement of, 11 316-318 Distant Ancestry, appearance of traits from, 1184, 364 Divers, spectacles for, 1134 Divines, Galton on, 1199-103; of Middleton's Collection, II 100, 101; fertility of, II 96, 101; parentage of, 11101, 102; marriages of, 11 101; sons of, 11 101-103, 137; moral oscillations of, 11 102; - health of, 11 101, 116; age at death of, 11101, 116 Dogs, hearing of, II 216; suggestion of,. for breeding experiments, II 76; transmission of acquired habits= : _ in, II 147, 148; judge by smell, II 275; albino Pekingese, IIIA 356, 357, 389; and a pair of new trousers, IIIA 431 Dohrn, IIIA 290 Domestication, historical, 1170-72; Galton on, 1170-73; 258; suitable animals for, 1171; in Damaraland, 11 72-74 Dominance, and the Mendelian theory, IIIB 535 Donkeys, Galton's use of, and interest in, IIIB 515, 519, 589-591,593 Donovan, the phrenologist, on Galton's character, 1157 Dots, and continuous lines, II 308, 309. See also Difference, just perceptible Doubleday, work of, IIIB 577 Double-image Prism, for optical superimposition, 11 287 Dove, meteorological assistance of, 11 39 Down, Darwin's home at, as station for experimental evolution, IIIA 133, 134, 287; a national possession, IIIA 135; photograph of, 11134 Plate XIV; Darwin's study at, 11 200 Plate XIX Dowsing, IIIB 585 Drapers' Company, grants of, to Biometric Laboratory, IIIA 368, 384 Drawing, in education, 11 155 Dreams, genesis of. II 247; do Candolle on, 11 205 Drowning, Galton's narrow escape from, 1116-118 Duddeston (or Dudson), home of Samuel Galton, 149, 50; visits to, 174, 76; sketches of, 148 Plates XXIX, XXX Duncan, on medical histories, 11 359 Duncan, Dr J. M., data of, on fertility, 11265 Dosing, C., work of, on sex-incidence, etc., 11 210 Dyer, Thiselton, on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, IIIA 127, 128, 290; resigns from, IIIA 291; on experimental breeding, IIIA 130, 131, 287; on Galton's contribution to theory of natural selection, IIIA 369 Ear, convolutions of, and identification, 11 306; syring ing the, IIIB 464 Earle, Ann, and Galton ancestry, 117 Earle, Erasmus, 117; portrait of, 1246 Plate LXV Earle, Thomas, portrait of, 1246 Plate LXVI