OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 641 Darwin, Charles, Howard ancestry of, 1244-246; work of, 115, 58; mentality of Galton and, 157, 58; talents and characteristics of, 11178, 207, 208; early interest of, in entomology, 168; early meetings of Galton and, I 51, 91, 108; gives advice on Galton's education, I 110; on spiritualism, II 62-67, 167, 168; on discoverers, II 1; and the pangenesis experiments of Galton, II 113, 156-197; influence of, on Galton, II 170,200-202, 206; disagreement of, with Galton, 11156,157, 162-165,184-190; affection of, for Galton, II 197, 199; letter of, to Galton, on publication of ' Tropical South Africa,' 1240, 241; letter to Galton on receipt of 'Hereditary Genius,' 16,11115; correspondence of, with Galton, II 157-201; letters of, to 'Nature' on Pangenesis, II 163; to his Aunt Violetta Galton, 11183, IIIB 460,461; and on Galton's rabbit breeding, II 65; on Galton's theory of heredity, II 187; on Galton's eugenic policy, II 176; and statistical methods, IIIA 246; on birth control, II 111; on the inheritance of acquired characters, II 147, 148, 170, 173,174; views of, on latency, 11 170; on elements of reproduction, 11 174; on domestic animals, 11 71; oil earthworms, II 196, 197; on fertilisation of sweetpeas, IIIA 325; on popularisation of science, IIIA 333; on admission of women to examinations at Cambridge, II 134; 'The Reader' and 'Nature' and, II 68, 69; letter giving religious views of, 11102 Plate XII; on his grandfather Erasmus, 1 1192-194, 196, 204; visualising faculty of, 11194, 195, 207; size of head and stature of, 11 150; health of, II 166, 175, 179, 197, IIIB 461; death of, II 197, 361; burial of, II 198, IIIB 471; memorial to, II 199, 200, IIIB 476; fortune of, II 206; portraits of, I 56 Plate XXXVII, I 68 Plate XLI, IIIA 340 Plate XXXV; study of, at Down, II 200 Plate XIX; Mr Faulds writes to, on finger-prints, MIA 143; de Candolle and, IIIB 477, 478 Darwin, Mrs Charles, letter of, referring to the pan genesis experiments, 11 158 Darwin, Charles Galton, wins scholarship, IIIB 558; mathematical tripos of, IIIA 368, 385, 386, IIIB 597 Darwin, Col. C. W., assistance of, I viii, 243 Darwin, Edward (uncle to Francis Galton), 122 Darwin, Edward Levett (cousin to Francis Galton), early bequest to, 169; death of, IIIB 552 Darwin, Emma (aunt to Galton), 122; sketch of, I 18 Plate X Darwin, Dr Erasmus (grandfather to Galton), descendants of, 1.15, 22; influence of, on Darwin and Galton, I 13, 14, II 201; mechanical ability and scientific tastes of, I 16, 49, 58, 60; marriage of, to Elizabeth Collier, Mrs Pole, 118,22; life of, II 192-194, 196, 202; natural daughters of, I 17, IIIB 462; and Samuel Galton, 146, 47; and Watt, 116; the Lunar Society and, I 61; and Samuel Johnson, 11 194; and mental imagery, II 196; visualising faculty of, 11 194; on extinction of families, 11 95; doctrine of evolution of, 11202, 203; poetry of, 11206; lines of, on air-ships, I 83; poem of, to Mrs Pole, I 18 Plate XI; contribution of, to posterity, 11 204; monument to, 11202204; reproduction of tablet to, II 204 Plate XX; portraits of, 113 Plate III, 176 Plate XLVI, II 192 Plate XV; sketch of, I 18 Plate X; silhouettes of, I 14 Plates IV and IV his; medallion of, IIIB 473 Plate L; visiting card of, 1195; armchair of, IIIB 571; Dr Krause's life of, 11 192 Darwin, Erasmus (son of Dr Erasmus Darwin), genealogical notes of, 1244 Darwin, Erasmus (brother of Charles Darwin), and spiritualism, II 66; and life of Dr Erasmus Darwin, 11 192 Darwin, Sir Francis (son of Charles Darwin); assistance of, I viii; on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, IIIA 126,290; on farm for experimental breeding, IIIA 134; achievements of, 11 208 Darwin, Mr Francis Rhodes, assistance from, I viii Darwin, Sir Francis Sacheverell (son of Dr Erasmus Darwin), character and tastes of, 122-24; interest of, in plague, 123; travels of, 122, 23; journal of travels of, IIIB 592; resemblance of Galton to, I 24,137; Galton sends to Darwin a portrait of, 11 192; portraits of, I 22 Plate XVIII, II 192 Plates XV, XVI; sketches of, and by, 118 Plate X, 122 Plate XIX Darwin, Sir George Howard (son of Charles Darwin), on Galton's wave machine, etc., 11 52, 53, 55; on maps, II 22, IIIB 461, 462; on spiritualism, II 62, 66; on marriage of first cousins, 11 188; and the pangenesis experiments, II 189-191; on Galton's `transformer,' II 315; on finger-prints, IIIA 153, 111133 590; on technical scientific terms, MA 334; on interpolation, IIIB 467; correspondence of, with Galton, II 179, 180, 188, 190, 191, 200, IIIA 276, IIIB 461-466, 469, 470, 474, 475, 505, 584, 590; receives Copley Medal for Galton, IIIB 614, 615; gold medal of Astronomical Soc. conferred on, IIIB 488; receives the K.C.B., Galton's pleasure, IIIB 552; President of British Association in Africa, IIIB 533, 536, 543, 546; at the Benjamin Franklin commemoration, MB 568; Galton on work of, II 206, 208; assistance from, I viii, 244; family portraits in possession of, 1243 Darwin, Lady George, assistance from, I viii, 244. See also IIIA 340 Plate XXXV Darwin, Harriet (daughter of Dr Erasmus Darwin), 122 Darwin, Henry (son of Dr Erasmus Darwin), 122 Darwin, Sir Horace (son of Charles Darwin), anthropometric instruments of, 11226, 227, 388; on Galton's chronograph, 11227; interest of, in the feeble-minded, IIIA 373; Galton on, 11 208; assistance of, 11 311 Darwin, Mrs Horace, visits Galton, IIIB 597 Darwin, John (son of Dr Erasmus Darwin), 122 Darwin, Major Leonard (son of Charles Darwin), interest of, in Eugenics, IIIA 311, 312, 323, IIIB 602; address of, M A 426; the L.C.C. and, IIIB 515; Speke's memorial and, HIS 588; Pres. of Roy. Geographical Soc., IIIB 603; letters to, from Galton, IIIB 588,-602, 611; Galton on, 11 208; assistance of, II vii Darwin, Reginald (cousin to Galton), death of, MB 488 Darwin, Robert, of Elston (great-grandfather of Darwin and Galton), portraits of, I 16 Plate VI, I 243 Plate LXII Darwin, Robert Waring (brother of Dr Erasmus Darwin), 'Principia botanica' of, 115; portrait of, 116 Plate VI ter Darwin, Robert Waring (father of Charles Darwin), portrait of, I 16 Plate VIII; character of, I 51; Galton visits at Shrewsbury, I 186, 187; assists Darwin Galton, IIIB 450; letter of, to his sister Violetta Galton, IIIB 454 Darwin, Violetta (mother of Galton). See Galton, Violetta Darwin, William Alvey (brother of Dr Erasmus Darwin), portraits of, 116 Plate VI his, 1243 Plate LXII Darwin, William Erasmus (son of Charles Darwin), birth of, IIIB 453; portrait of, IIIA 340 Plate XXXV; assistance from, I viii, 243, 244 Darwin Commemoration, at Cambridge, MA 369, IIIB 590, 598 Darwin's House. See Down Darwin Medal. See Medals Darwinian Hypothesis, and man, II 109; a religious creed, II 263; statistical methods and, IIIA 126; grave reaction against, IIIA 432 P G III 81