OCR Rendition - approximate
Index B43 Edrp, `tremendous rows with,' 184, 86, 87 Ecclesiastics, English and Swiss, 11 142 Eclipse, Galton sees total, 11 6-10 Economics, and ideals, 11254, 255 Eddis, the Cambridge tutor, 1155, 156, 160, 163 Edgeworth, Prof., work of, IIIB 486 Editors of ' Biometrika,' IIIA 244, 245, 281 Edouard, silhouettes of, 11 309 Education, of Galton, 1110, at Cambridge and London, I 141, 142; of Darwin and Galton, II 155, 156, 179; power of, 11 91; and Catholic control, 11 139; reform of, 11155, 156, 344; and schools, 11 344; and primary schools, II 416, 417; science, classics and mathe matics in, 11 155; visualising faculty and, 11241, 253 Educational Systems, value of, IIIA 233 Edward VII, kindness of, IIIB 604; funeral procession of, IIIB 605 Edwards, at Cambridge, 1167, 171 Eggs, measurements of, IIIA 243, 244 Egypt, Galton's travels in, I 197-203, 205, IIIB 515 519; Galton's sketchbook in, IIIB 454 Plate XLIV; need for identification office in, IIIA 157, 158 Egyptians, some characteristics of, IIIA 157 Eichholz, Mr, on physical deterioration, IIIB 542 Eilwagen, Galton's experiences of, 196 Einstein, ability of, 11 107; his theory foreshadowed by Galton, 11 263 Elderton, Ethel M., work of, IIIA 328, 329, 356-358, 360, 371, 376, 384, 385, 387, 392, IIIB 605; on finger-prints, IIIA 140, 258; on resemblance of cousins, IIIA 310, 322; on employment of mothers, IIIA 345; career of, IIIA 258; at Eugenics Record Office, IIIA 278, 279, 300; as Francis Galton Scholar, IIIA 305, 307, 330, 332; 'Primer of Statistics' of, IIIA 317, 320, 363, 364; appreciation of, IIIA 358, 359, IIIB 583, 584, 589; visits Galton, IIIA 336, 361, 429, MB 592, 606; letters of Galton to, IIIB 585, 601, 616; assistance of, II vii, III- vii, 53 Elderton, W. P., work of, IIIA 383; on heredity and environment, IIIA 73, 260; on data for measurement of heredity of disease, IIIB 537-539; 'Primer of Statistics' of, IIIA 320, 363, 364; correspondence of, with Galton, IIIB 537, 538 Elephants, in Africa, 1237 Elliptic Contours, of correlation table, IIIA 13, IIIA 14 Fig. 4 Ellis, Mrs. See Biggs, Evelyne Ellis, J. A., and Gallon's whistle, II 216 Elston Hall, original home of the Darwins, sketch of, 130 Plate XXIII; Darwin portraits at, 1243 Ely Cathedral, Galton's sketch of, 1167 Plate LII Emerson, R. W., on evolution, IIIB 471 Eminence, appreciation of, 1189,104; and ability, 11 91, 92, 104; and mathematics, 1197, 98; criteria of, 11135; inheritance of, II 104-106; assortative mating and, 11 105 Emotion, measure of changes in, 11 270 'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' advertisement for, IIIA 251 Endurance, measurement of, 11 358 Energy, Galton on, 11251; in scientists, 11151, 251; and size of head, 11149, 150; inheritance of, 11251; need of tests for measurement of, 11358, 395 Engine, Calton's rotatory steam, 1150 Engineers, mechanical 'aptitude in, 11 151 English, language, in education, Galton on, 188 English Epigram Society, Galton gets up, 1176, 178, 187, 189 Englishmen, colour associations and number forms of, II 240; type of skull of, IIIA 253; diversity of type among, IIIA 257 - Enthusiasm, Galton on, II 260, 261 Entomological Society, Galton reads a paper to, on moth breeding, IIIA 47 Entomology, Galton's early interest in, 168 Environment, limited influence of, 11118, 127, 128, 146, IIIA 348; and history of twins, II 126-130; and scientific achievement, II 96, 97, 148, 149; and ability, IIIA 112, 116; and deterioration of the British race, IIIA 251, 252; effect of, on eyesight, IIIA 345; and heredity, IIIA 260. See also Nurture Epigram. See English Epigram Society Epileptics, issue of, IIIA 373 Epitaph, I 189, HIB 562, 567; Galton's in Claverdon Church, IIIA 434, IIIB 619 Error, Law of. See Normal Curve Eschbach, Galton's courier on journey to Spain, IIIB 507512 Eskimo, drawings and mental imagery of, 11240, 252 Ethnology, Galton and, II 68; composite photography and, 11 294 Eton, Galton lectures at, 1 1361 Ettington Church, stained window for, IIIB 569, 571, 572 Euclid, and modern geometrician, II 107; Darwin on value of, II 179 Eugenics, and Francis Galton, 11 74, 77-80, 86-88, 110, 113, 114, 117-122, 174, 176, 231, 249, 264-267; the founder of, IIIA 217; definition of, 11249, 251, 252, IIIA 221-225, 262, 263, 269, 305, 318, 321; positive and negative, IIIA 350; problems of, IIIA 274, 275; coining of word, IIIA 318; naming of science of, II 249; needs of science of, IIIA 265; origin of, as academic study, IIIA 259; science of, IIIA 372; official recognition of, IIIB 531; asocial code, IIIA 321; conscience, growth of, IIIA 268; as a creed, IIIA 217432, 348; religion of, 11249, 250, 261, IIIA 267, 272274; a social and religious programme for, IIIA 87-93, 355; Galton's policy and plans for, 11110, 128,139, 176, 266, IIIA 220-226; means of promoting, IIIA 264, 265; certificates, proposals regarding, II 386-396, IIIA 272, 292-296, IIIB 573, 574; grant for scientific study of, IIIA 258; plans for chair of, IIIA 381-383; fellowship in, IIIA 221-223, 300, 301, 305, 306; grant for scientific study of, IIIA 258; plans for memoirs in, MA 305, 313; institutes for research in, IIIA 217; popularisation of, IIIA 339, 351; administration, a forecast, IIIB 624-626; national and international, IIIA 220; future of, IIIA 219, 220; difficulties of, II 120, 121, 176, 249, 252; biometry and, IIIA 309; and actuarial methods, IIIA 221, 274, 320; qualities, correlation of,IIIA 273; and civic worth, IIIA 227-229, 231-234, 241-243; and birth control, 11 80, 110-112; and charitable expenditure, IIIA 234, 243, 273, 274, 323, 348, 352; and the modern woman, II 133, 134; and evolution, 11 267; and public opinion, IIIA 321; anthropology and, IIIA 226, 227; Darwin on, 11 176; passages in Plato, IIIA 312; need 'for knowledge before action regarding, IIIA 253; sociologists' views on, IIIA 259-261; Galton lectures on, IIIA 261-265, 318-321; German translation of Galton's memoirs on, IIIB 562-564; in Norway, Switzerland and Roumania, 11 267; in America, IIIB 613 Eugenics Education Society, foundation of, IIIA 332, 335, 346, 348, 349; activities of, IIIA 371, 378; origin of, IIIB 628; Galton's address to, IIIA 345-350, MB 586; Galton and, IIIB 585, 586; Hon. President of, IIIA 355; Journal of, IIIA 362; Galton's 'Essays in Eugenics,' IIIA 367; Biometry and, IIIA 404, 405; Eugenics Laboratory and, IIIA 362, 363, 372, 379, 397, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 427, 430, 431; unfriendly members of, IIIA 398-400; in last year of Galton's life, IIIA 404-407, 433 81-2