OCR Rendition - approximate
Childhood and Boyhood 85 Wednesday, April 6. - I was examined by Gedge in mathematics, the examiners were Cramer, Johnstone and Meryvale (?). _ Thursday, April 7. Was examined in classics. I was 2nd in class. Tom Price got the prize. Bates -and Holmes accesserunt. Came home. After return to school the rather unedifying life begins again Monday, April 18. I knocked a fellow down for throwing a brick at me. Tuesday, April 19. I thrashed a snob for throwing stones. Wednesday, April 20. One of the boys bought a half-crown trumpet which made a tremendous row. Thursday, April 21. We bought a birch pro bono publico fog 15 shillings. Friday, April 22. A tremendous row in the streets, on account of a blaguard thrashing one of our boys. Monday, April 25. Saw the 1st swallow this year. Tuesday, April 26. Got 30 lines of Virgil. Wednesday, April 27. Got 20 lines of Virgil. Tuesday, May 3. Got the syntax to write out for drawing a picture of a race. Sunday, May 8. Arnold preached. A fellow- gave me a thrashing in the street. During the period May 2-20 measles broke out in the school, and Galton appears to have been ill and some days staying away from school. Possibly he had a mild attack. On the 20th "mater " wrote to ask for Francis to come home for Whitsuntide. But he is soon back again at the old round Thursday, May 26. Got an imposition in algebra to do for Gedge. Monday, May 30. Turner became a day boy, because he had not sufficient attention shown him. Tuesday, May 31. A complaint in the Journal on account of the Dr sometime ago, setting a boy 100 lines for talking. Friday, June 10. The Dr took away a knife which I had bought with Pater's tip the day before. Thursday, June 16. Fletcher knocked the cricket-ball into the ivy and lost it. The Dr was black as charcoal. Friday, June 17. Had to bring up a tremendous imposition to the Dr. Tuesday, June 21. The Dr stayed at home, so we could not have any bolstering or fighting. Came home by the Regulator. The summer holidays seem to have been spent at home ; the weather was very hot-85° in the sun. Darwin had bought a pony, and the new pony and the old were driven tandem. Francis went to stay with his sister Lucy (Mrs Moilliet), and shot thrushes and even a swallow (" 1st shot"), and caught perch and other fish. Later in the holidays he is shooting rabbits. This holiday also records Monday, July 18. Went to Stourbridge in the gig with Pater to see the locomotive engine.