OCR Rendition - approximate
86 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Wednesday, July 20. Went to Kenilworth to see a new school opened, and electrified the cat and girls. Friday, July 22. Went with Emma to Kenilworth to sketch. On August 8 Francis goes back to school, and the old state of warfare is resumed. On the 11th the impositions begin ; then the boys go to bathe in the canal, but the Doctor stops it, and they go to Ladywell bath. August 22 and 23 there are further impositions ; on August 24 Hawkins gets thrashed. Sept. 1st Galton took a walk in the evening by French leave, but was seen by the servants. Sept. 7 and 10 there are impositions, and on the 9th Galton is nearly thrashed by the Doctor for not knowing his lesson. Sept. 12 there is another imposition, but perhaps consolation in the record that the cat has run away with one of the partridges presented to the Doctor ! Saturday, Sept. 17. Walked out, had an imposition. Dr in a black humour. Sunday, Sept. 18. Had cider for dinner. I think the Dr is getting rid of it, for it tasted very sour. Tuesday, Sept. 20. A row between Hawkins and the blackguard ; had two chases after him, but at last lost him. Wednesday, Sept. 21. Lines missed for the 1st time since he [?the Dr] has come to the school. Thursday, Sept. 22. Was too late for school got an imposition. For change on Sept. 27 there was a "regular row" with the dame, and so through the months of October, November and December we have the usual round of boyish pranks and punishments, interspersed with touches of more general interest, e.g. Oct. 20 " The gas was lighted for the. first time," and Oct. 21 " The gas all of a sudden went out. Got 40 lines." While on Oct. 22 "We walked to see the railroad ; had some fun, was not in time for breakfast." On the 27th of October Francis sends a very piteous letter to his sister Adele MY DEAR ADtLE, Thanks for the paper. I have not been able to write on account of the hard work and many impositions I have lately had-30 one day and 10 pages of Gk. grammar to write out, the next 40, and the next 40, so that I have not had the least time. Another boy has left and is believed to be in a consumption. Indeed I never knew such an unhappy and unlucky school as this ; 2 more will leave at Christmas, and I would give anything if I could leave it too. There has been a great row about some chaps getting books from a neighbouring circulating library, one book the Dr cribbed and another Earp threw into the fire, and some of us were called into the study, and he accused us, telling the greatest story possible but luckily he was found out in most of