OCR Rendition - approximate
84 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Monday, Jan. 25 is called " black Monday" and framed in black border, because of return to school. Tuesday, Jan. 26. The Dr flogged a chap. The Dr's father was buried. Friday, Jan. 29. Got 50 lines of Virgil for going down to school in the evening without Earp's' permission, which he called an insult to his dignity. Saturday, Jan. 30. A bit of a row at school got 30 lines from Gedge' for throwing chewed paper at the fellows' heads. The dame' tremendously cross. Sunday, Jan. 31. The dame pretends she's half dead with a headache. Monday, Feb. 8. Got an imposition for knocking down an umberella (sic!). Tuesday, Feb. 9. The Dr in a tremendous rage, because I let a chap copy his exercise from me. Wednesday, Feb. 10. The Dr came upstairs after we had gone to bed and caught us making a row ; gave the chaps he caught tremendous impositions. Thursday, Feb. 11. Got half the syntax to write out for not being able to say my lesson. Dr very sulky. Friday, Feb. 12. Dame received a valentine, which told her that she liked a pot of beer, which I think is pretty true. Friday, Feb. 19. Saw a stuffed cat with 6 legs 4 ears 2 tails and one eye. The rest of February, while well filled with notices of imposition and " tremendous rows" with the Doctor and Earp, is also noted by young Jeune and another boy getting the small-pox. Most of the boys went home, but Thursday, Feb. 25. Saw Pater who told me I was not to go home, which I did not much like only 2 left(?) in the 1st class. March shows the same round of severity Tuesday, March 15. One boy was expelled and another flogged. Thursday, March 17. Dukes was expelled. Saturday, March 19. Took a walk to Edgbaston park. Earp bought a swing for us, to put which up we had to cut away some shrubs ; we expect a row. Sunday, March 20. Foe preached. The Dr made a tremendous row about the swing and said that it should be taken down. Monday, March 21. The swing was taken down. We set up some leaping posts. Tuesday, March 22. The Dr caught us looking over our books at school, a tremendous row. One of the blagards gave I a crack in his face4. Saturday, March 26. Bought a cat's gallows. Got caned. Monday, Mar. 28. Got caned. Good Friday, April 1. We were made to fast, but we went over to the grubshop and got plenty. Saturday, April 2. The Doctor did not go round with his cane. 1 Presumably an usher at the Doctor's house. 2 Francis' form master. ' Presumably the matron. ' There were continual fights with the street boys of the roughest kind.