literature in McGill Coll., Montreal ; the only Jewish divine ever invited to open Congress by the U.S. Government ; erudite scholar, and author of theological works.
me bro son, Harry Abraham, a man of business, and councillor and Mayor of Southampton.
Louis C. Miall (b. 1842), F.R.S., Professor of Biology, University, Leeds; Fullerian Professor of Physiology, Royal Inst.; President Zool. Sec. British Assoc., 1897 ; author of memoirs and books on natural history.-[" Who's Who."]
fa, James Goodeve Miall (Rev.), Chairman of Congregational Union.
fa bro, Edward Miall (1809-1881), Independent minister at Leicester, 1834 ; established and edited the "Nonconformist," 1841 ; M. P., Rochdale, 1852I857, Bradford, 1869-1874 ; strove for Disestablishment of Church.---[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me bro, Charles Mackenzie, a well-known Haymarket actor (stage-name, Henry Compton).
me bro son, Sir Morell Mackenzie (1837-1892), celebrated physician ; specialist on diseases of the throat.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me bra son, Sir Stephen Mackenzie (b. 1844) senior physician, London Hospital ; consulting Physician, Poplar Hospital, etc.-[" Who's Who."]
son, Stephen Miall, first in solicitors' examination, Clement's Inn, and " Daniel Reardon " prizeman, 1896; first-class honours, LL. B. and LL.D., London.