photography, his (wet) processes, talbotype, etc., being those which have survived in various forms. He also discovered the direct method of printing by the autotype process. A distinguished mathematician, he furthermore was one of the earliest interpreters of cuneiform writing ; M. P. for Chippenham, 18;;- 1834. - [" Dict. N. Biog."]
Raphael Meldola (b. 1849), F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in Finsbury Technical Coll. ; discoverer of many new products and processes in the manufacture of coal-tar dyes ; also well known as a naturalist; has been President of the Entomological Soc. and of the Essex Field Club.-[" Who's Who."]
fa fa, Raphael Meldola (1754-1828), invited to
London, in 1805, on account of his fame as a theologian, to preside as High Rabbi over the London congregation of British Jews belonging to the Spanish and Portuguese community; author of many theological works.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa bro, David Meldola, succeeded his father as chief of the community, though not given the same high rank ; author of theological works.
me bro, Joseph Abraham, founded a large and successful firm in Bristol ; took a prominent part in municipal affairs, and became the first Jewish mayor of Bristol.
fa si son, Abram de Sola, Professor of Oriental