Henry Alexander M iers (b. 1858), D. Sc., F.R.S., Waynflete Professor of Mineralogy, Oxford, since 1895 ; author of many scientific papers,
Mineralogy," etc.-[" Who's Who."]
fa me fa, Francis Place (1771-1854.), Radical reformer and writer ; started life as leather-breeches maker ; succeeded in getting the laws against combinations of workmen repealed. [" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa fa, John Miers (1789-1879), F.R.S., engineer and botanist ; accompanied Lord Cochrane to Chile, 1818 ; made collections of birds, insects, and plants ; author of many scientific papers.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, Francis Charles Miers, engineer and successful man of business.
bro, Edward John Miers, zoologist ; author of a volume on Brachyura in " Challenger Reports," etc.
Alfred Newton (b. 1829), F.R.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Cambridge ; has been very active in promoting the protection of wild birds ; has been Vice-President of the Royal and Zoological Societies ; gold medal of the Royal and of the Linn,-tani Societies ; author of many works dealing principally with birds.-[" Who's Who."]
me fa, Richard Slater Milnes, M. P. for York ; took a prominent part in county business. fa, William Newton, M.P. for Ipswich.