a double first-class in Lit. Hum. and Mathematics, when nineteen years of age, at Oxford, in 181o.[ `` Oxf. Reg. "]
si son, John Story Masterman, gained a firstclass in Lit. Hum., 1872 ; Fellow of Brasenose, Oxford.-[" Oxf. Reg."]
Si son, Herbert Warington Smyth, Secretary, Mining Dept., Transvaal ; Secretary, Siamese Legation, 1898-19o1 ; Order White Elephant of Siam, 1897 ; author of "Five Years in Siam," etc.[" Who's Who."]
si son, Major Nevill Maskelyne Smyth, obtained V.C. at Battle of Khartoum.-[" Who's Who."] wife, nee Dillwyn Llewelyn.
wi fa fa, Lewis Weston Dillwyn (17781855), F.R.S., well known as a botanist ; established Cambrian Pottery Works at Swansea ; M. P. for Glamorganshire, 18-2-1841.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
wi fa, John Dillwyn Llewelyn, F.R.S., early experimenter in photography.
wi fa si son, Traherne Moggridge, author of " Flora of Mentone," " Harvesting Ants," and "Trapdoor Spiders."
wi me bwo, Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, first-class mathematics, Oxford, 1823 ; LordLieutenant of Glamorganshire, M. P., " Father of the House of Commons."-[" Oxf. Reg."]
wi me me si son, William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877), F.R.S., independent inventor of