268 INDLA.
demerits, viz. : narrow edu- Hooker, 49. cation, 246; want of system and bad teaching, 251 ; bad, unclassed, 252; summary, 253; interpretation of educational needs, 255 ; educational monopolies, 223, 259.
Encouragement at home, 205 (see also 197, 206, 259) ; of friends, 211 ; of tutors, 215.
Energy, 38, 75; above average, 78; below average,.97; wasted on trifles, 229.
Family characteristics, 69. Faraday, 124.
Features inherited, study of, 40. Fellowship, of Royal Society, 3 ;
medical, 226; travelling, 219. Female influence, 206, 211, 259 ;
hereditarily, 72.
Fertility, 36 (see 102). Figure of parents, 28.
Figures and tabulation, instinct
for, 194.
Friends, influence of, 211.
GALTON, D., 47, 145 ; F., 47, 197. Genius, 233.
Gilbert, 61, 62.
Grove, 3.
HAIR, colour of, 29.
Harcourt, 50, 65. Head, size of, 98.
Health, 37, 99 ; of parents, 101. Heath, 24.
Height of parents, 30 ; of scientific men, 102.
Helena, 15.
Heraldry, 197.
Herbert, 62 ; Spencer (see Preface).
Heredity, 39.
Hermia, 15.
Hill, 51.
Hinton, 61.
Holland, Sir H., 63, 100.
Home encouragement (see Encouragement).
Humphrey, 68.
IDIOTS, 108, 195, 232 ; among
elder sons, 35.
Impulsiveness, 104. Independence of character, 121,
231 ; of parents, 122.
Innate tastes, 186; special, 193 ;
not strongly hereditary, 196.
JEVONS, 58. KANT, 8.
Kirchhoff, 8.
Latrobe, 54, 65.
Lee, General, 55. Leverrier, 8.
List of scientific men, 4, 6. Logic, 255.
Love, 194.
MAIN, 6.
Map of birthplaces, 20. Marriage, best age for, 36. Maskelyne, 65.
Mechanical aptitudes, 124 ; draw
ing, 255 ; manipulation, 256. Mechanicians, birthplace of, 19. Medical fellowships, 226. Memory, 107 ; good verbal, 109 ;
facts and figures, 111 ; form,
113 ; good, but no particulars,
117 ; bad, 120.
Miller, Hugh, 135.
Mill, J. S., 139, 148, 255. Milnes, 65.
Ministers (see clergymen). Mitchell, Dr. A., 35. Moberly, 68. Moravians, 65, 124, 127.
NATIONAL activity, 227.
Natural ability, 227, (see also
Natural groups, 2. Nature and nurture, 12. Nonconformists. 126. Nurture, 12.