INDEX. 269
OCCUPATION of parents, 21. Opie, 42.
Origin of taste for science, 144 ; extracts at length, 149 ; analysis of them, viz.: strongly innate, 186 ; not innate, 191 ; tastes bearing on science, 194 ; tastes not very hereditary, 196 ; fortunate accidents, 198 ; indirect motives, 199 ;professional, 202 ; encouragement at home, 205 ; by friends, 211 , by tutors, 215; travel, 218 ; unclassed, 221.
PALORAVE, 49, 68.
Paradoxes, book of, 232.
Parents of scientific men, their occupation, 21 ; physical peculiarities, 27 ; health of, 201 ; independence of character, 122; relative influence of paternal and maternal lines, 72, 197, 206.
Parker, 48.
Parkes, 63.
Pedigrees, 40.
Perseverance, 103.
Phillips, 100.
Physical peculiarities of parents, 27.
Photography, early, 7, 63. Photographic studies of features. 40.
Playfair, 55, 65.
Plum-pudding, 212. Politics, 207.
Population, rates of scientific men to, 10.
Portraits, 40.
Powell, B., 24.
Practical business habits, 104. Priestly, 8, 45.
Primogeniture, &c., 33. Prisoners, 76.
Professions, influence of, 193, 202. Purity of type, 18, 32, 40.
QUAKERS, 65, 124, 127. Qualities, 74.
Questions, see Appendix.
RACE, 16 ; ability of different, 18. Railway statistics, 145.
Rank of scientific men, 21 ; as
regards ability, 22.
Relatives, number of, 64. Religious bias, 126 ; sects, 123,
126 ; creed, effect of, on research,
Replies, 10; are 100 in number
Residuum, the, 23 ; unclassed of
motives, 221. Rome, 229. Roscoe, 41, 57.
Sanitary administration, 224,
Scientific men, list of, 4, 6 ; ratio
to population, 9.
School productiveness of eminent
men, 67.
Scotch system of education, 215,
225, 255.
Scott, 68.
Sexual selection, 32. Shakespeare, 14.
Smith, W., 65 ; Arch., 157. Social duties, 228.
Societies, scientific and clergymen,
Somerville, Mrs., 108.
Sons, elder and younger, 34. Speciality of taste, 193. Statistics, 147 ; of heredity, 64. Sterility, 37.
Stokes, 8. Strachey, 58.
TABULATION, instinct for, 197. Taste for science, innate, 186 ;
not innate, 191, (see Origin of
Taylors of Ongar, 41, 60, 65. Temperaments of parents, 27. Travel, 218.
Truthfulness, 141, 148. Tutors, influence of, 211.
Turner (see Dawson Turner, 48). Twins, 13.