ABILITY of different races, 19 ; ranks, 23 ; distribution of, in families, 72.
Adams, 8.
Adhesiveness, 194.
Ages of scientific men, 10 ; of their parents, 34. Alderson, 41, 68.
Amusements, 230.
Aristotle, 35. Axioms, 218.
Bateman, 55.
Bell scholarship, 23. Bentham, 8, 41, 43, 65. Bidder, 52.
Birthplaces of scientific men, 19. Brodrick, 65, 68, 69. Bunsen, 8.
Business habits, 104.
CAMBRIDGE honour lists, 66, 69, 257.
Carpenter, 43.
Catholics, 127.
Charity, 228.
Clark, Miss, 54.
Clergymen, 23, 208, 259. Clubs, 5.
Colburn, Zerah, 52. Collections, tastes for, 194.
Colour of hair of parents, 28. Compton, 65.
Councils of scientific societies,
Creeds, diversity of, 123, 126 ;
effect of, on research, 135.
Dalton, 124.
Darwin, 41, 45, 63, 65. Data, 10.
Dawson Turner, 41, 48. Definition of "Man of Science,"
De la Rue, 53. De Morgan, 232.
Descent (see race and birthplace,
Discovery, 7.
Divines (see clergymen, creeds,
and religious bias). Dreams, 234. Duncan, 35, 36.
EDUCATION, 235 ; merits in, generally praised, 238; variety of subjects, 242 ; a little science at school, 243; simple things well taught, 243 ; liberty and leisure, 244 ; home teaching and encouragement, 244 (see also 205, 216, 225) ; merits and demerits balanced, 245;