for five years ; used to row a great deal in heavy boats."
31. " I possess considerable bodily energy, and when young excelled in fencing, swimming, and the high jump. In mind-Have worked hard with my brain for the last thirty-five years, almost without intermission.
" Father-Considerable bodily energy, and a good pedestrian. Mother-Sluggish bodily powers, but in mind most energetic when once roused to action by a subject that interested her feelings."
32. " Sufficiently patient of ordinary fatigue, cold, and hunger, to enable me to enjoy travelling in unfrequented countries when my companions suffered much discomfort. In mind-Can commonly work from twelve to fourteen hours a day without any remarkable amount of exhaustion.
Father-Capable of enduring fatigue."
33. [This is a case of extraordinary mental activity, as shown by evidence which I do not feel justified in quoting. It was rewarded by