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Wrote and superintended first edition of . . |
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giving instructions to artists regarding from 200 to 300 woodcuts, correcting press, &c., without assistance, in about seven months [all this in addition to professional work] ; hard work for mind as well as body."
28. " Energetic. In mind- [extraordinarily so, both in administrative and in original work].
"Father-Energetic. Author of, I think, more than seventy scientific memoirs."
29. [Formerly great power of railway travel without fatigue. In mind-Active and energetic in a very high degree, as shown by the amount of his official and private work].
".Father-Always on horseback ; travelled very constantly and rapidly. Steady in pursuit of an object. He would break in horses with great skill and patience ; would learn languages with great perseverance, even after fifty years of age. Mother-Very energetic in . . . inquiries."
30. "Great activity at cricket and football up to age of twenty-five. Captain of . . . . elever