success, notwithstanding serious impediments in boyhood].
"Father-A most energetic man ; all for practical pursuits. Mother-An unusually strong mind, and steady love and search for knowledge."
34. " Walked from Cambridge to London in a day. At the age of sixty-eight ascended the Piz Corvatsch, in the Engadine. In mind. [Facts evidencing considerable energy are quoted.]
" Father-Fond of exercise ; a good walker. Mother-decidedly active bodily habits."
35. " I am decidedly lazy ; but with due stimulus could always get through a great amount of physical work, and was rather the better for it. In mind-As a boy, I worked for three months all day and all night, with not more than four or five hours' sleep. When full of a subject and interested in it, I have written for seven or eight hours without interruption, and without feeling any notable fatigue."
36. " In early life as a boy I was engaged in business from twelve to fourteen hours a day, yet