Mombas, 198
Monkeys, gt, 1o9 Montpellier le Vieux, 194 Muller, Prof. Max., 283 Murchison, Sir R., 150, 208 Murie, Dr.,'298 Murray, Admiral Hon., 171 Mutations, 313 Muybridge, Mr., 264 Myers, Rev. F., 6o Mytton, 110, 289
Namaquas, 127, 136
Nangoro, 142 ; his death, 144 Nassau balloon, 183
Nature and Nurture (twins), 294 Naworth Castle, 300 Newstead Abbey, 170 New York Herald, 206 N'gami Lake, 122, 127, 147
Niles, White and Blue, 94; sources of
White, 199
Noble, Sir Andrew, 238 North, Frederick, M. P., 18o - Marianne, 181 Northbrook, Lord, 202 Number-forms, 270
Observations, self-recording, 234 Oliphant, Lawrence, 161, 162, 172 Olympus, Mt., 52
Original sin, 317
Orkneys, i i i
Oswell, W. C., 122
Otchimbingue; 129
Ovambond6, 138, 142
Ovampo limit, 130, 142 Oxen, 146
Oyster-catcher (bird),
P., Mr., 23
Packe, Charles, 189 Pafet, Sir James, 36 Paan, sense of, 35 Pangenesis, 297 Pantagraph, drill, 232, 235
Parker, Sir Hyde, 123, 152 Parkyns, Mansfield, 92, 172 Partridge, John, R.A., 40
Prof. Richard, 39 Passage roses, 239
Pasteur, 37
Pearson, Prof. Karl, 283, 294 ; correla
tions, 304; ancestral law, 309, 320 Peas, sweet, experiments, 300 Pedigree stock, photographs of, 217
Pelly, Sir Lewis, 10, 193
Per-Centiles, 267 Petherick, Mr., 94, 298 Petrels, 114 Petrie, Prof., 97
Phenician inscription (alleged), 208 Photographs, analytical, 263 ; com
posite, 261
Photographic lenses, 228 Pilgrimages, 9o Pills, 29
Pitch, scalded legs, 36 Pitt, his voice, 39
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 167 Portuguese, 128, 143 Prizes, first and second, 282 Problem (earth's diameter), 62 Proteus, the, 56 Provisions, walking tour, 159 Puck (comic newspaper), 68 Pump near Jaffa, 105 Punch, 68, 277 Pyrenees, 189
Quantification of the Predicate, 174 Quarantine, at Syra, 53 ; Ancona, 54 ;
Trieste (with Spoglio), 55 ; Beyrout,
102; Marseilles, 1o8 Quassia, 27
Quetelet, Prof., 304 Quincey, De, 62
Rabbi, Chief, of Dantzig, 272 Rabbits, experiments on, 297
Rae, Dr., 161
Raffles, Sir Stamford, 173 Ramsgate, 302 Rath, Rev. -, 134 Rawson, Sir Rawson, 214 Reaction time, 248 Reader, the, 168 Red Lion Club, 216 Regression, 301, 318 Resemblances, measurement of, 250 Reynolds, Miss, 308 Roberts, Mr., 214 Robertson, Prof. Croom, 267 Robertson, Rev. -, 173 Romanes, J., 278 Ronalds, Sir F., 229 Ronaldshay, N., 114 Rougemont, Mr., 207 Royal Society, 219, 221 Royat, 154
Rugby boys, 69