Hunting, Queen's Stag Hounds, 115 ;
New Forest, 119
Hutton, Crompton, 78 Huxley, 172, 222, 258
Huxley Lecture, Anthrop. Inst., 319 Hyacinthus Candicans (see Galtonia) Hypnotism, 8o
Hysteria, 38
Ideas, new, 287
Idols, 277
Illnesses, at Cambridge, 79; during
many years, 116; in 1866, 155, 215 Index of Correlation, 302; curative, 33 Insanity, experiments, 276 International Exhibition of 1884, 245 Iron Gates (Danube), 50
Jaffa, 105
Jeffreys, J. Gwyn, 10
Jerusalem, io6
Jeune, Dr. (Bishop of Peterborough), 20 Johnson, Dr. Alice, 98 Johnson, Sir George, 42 Johnson, H. Vaughan, 74 Jonker, 129, 135, 136, 146 Jordan, 1o6
Kahichent, 141
Kaoko, 142
Kay, Sir Edward, Lord justice, 69 Kay, Joseph, 68
Kellig (water-skin), 1o6 Kelvin, Lord, 60 Kemble, J. Mitchell, 286 Kenilworth, school at, 18 Keswick, 59
LOGY, 224
Kew Observatory, history of, 225 Khartum, 92, 93 Kilimandjaro, 198
King's College, 39, 56; Hospital, 43 Knapsack sleeping-bag, 189 Knowles, General, 164 Korosko, 86
Kuisip R., 129 Kustendji, 49, 51
Laboratory, Anthropometric, Health
Exhibition, 245,270; S. Kensington,
249 ; for Faculty generally, 267 Ladysmith, 126
Lamb, Charles, 39
LANDS OF THE DAMARAS, OVAMPO, AND NAMAQUAS, 138 Lazarette (see Quarantine)
Leamington, 18, 110, 155 Lebanon,104 Lesseps, 161
Levanting and re-levanting, 104 Le Verrier, 229 Liebig, Prof., 48 Lighthouse, I14 Lingen, Lord, 78 Linz, 49, 247
Lions, 133, 247 Lister, Lord, 37
Living stone, 122, 205, 206 Lloyd, Charles, 123 Lochiel, Cameron of, 190 Lords, House of, 314 Loup, Saut de, 192 Lovelace, Earl of, 170
Lubbock, Sir J. (Lord Avebury), 177 Luchon, 189
Lyell, Mrs. (Life of Leonard Horner),
46 Lymington, I1g
Macalister, Dr. Donald, 212, 304 Macaulay, 74
MacKinder, 212 MacLennan, J. F., 67 MacLennan, Mrs., 192, 195 Macmillan, Vacation Tourists, 186 Magnetism, animal, 8o Mahomed, Dr., 262 Maine, Sir Henry, 66 Maori, endurance of pain, 36 Markham, Sir Clement, 210 Marks for physical efficiency, 214 Matheson, Rev. -, 59, 60 Maury, 229
Medallions, 196
Medals (see List, p. 331) ; R. G. Soc.,
Med an estimates in juries, 281 MEDICAL STUDIES, 22 Mehemet Ali, 86
Memorial of African Travellers, 204 Mendel, 308
Menzies, Sir Niel, 73. Merrifield, Mr., 307 Mesmerism, 8o Meteorographica, 232
Meteorological Committee and Council,
Microscopes, 41
Millais, Sir Everard, 309 Millau, 194
Miller, Dr. Allen, 48 Miseri's Hotel, 52
Models (Art of Travel), 164