Sabine, General Sir Edward, 224 St. Helena, 148
St. Simonians, 87
Sand Fontein, 132
Sandow, adjudging prizes, 279 Sanity, tableland of, 38 Saut de Loup, 192 Scawfell, 61
Schepmansdorf, 132 Schimmelpenninck, Mrs., Scott, Robert, 240 Seals, 112
Semney, temple at, 96
Sextant, 125, 226 Shaw, W. N., 234 Shells, smoke of, 236 Shendy (massacre), gi, 95 Sheppard, W. F., 283 Shetlands, 112, 118
SHORT TOUR TO THE EAST, Sierra Nevada, 52 Simon, Sir John, 41, 294 Sin, original, 316 Sinai, peninsula of, 184 Singapore, 1?4 Slave hunting, go Sleeping-bag, 189 Smee, Dr., 40, 41, 42
Smell, sense of, used in arithmetic,
Smith, Gen. Sir Harry, 126 Smith, Prof. Henry, 240 Snowdon, 61
SOCIAL LIFE (medallions), 169 Sociological papers (eugenics), 321 SOUTH-WEST AFRICA, 121 Spectacles under water, 186
Speke, Captain, 199 ; death, 202;
memorial, 203
Spencer, Herbert, 167, 178, 257, 292 Spoglio (in quarantine), 55 Sports or mutations, 313 Spottiswoode, Wm., 72, 183, 210, 232,
250, 304
Spurgeon, Rev. -, 285 Stanley, Dean, 69
15th Earl Derby, 76 Sir Henry M., 205, 207 Statistical instinct, 4
units, 298
Statistician and statesman, 312 Statistics, medical, 44
Stereoscopic maps, 264 Stewardson, 132
Stewart and Balfour, 229
Strachey, General Sir Richard, 212, 241
Stratheden, Lord (see Campbell) Strickland, 63
Suffocation, 185 Swakop R., 129 Swartboy, 135, 145 Swedes, 124 Sylvester, Prof., 71 Symmonds, J. Addington, 181 Symplegades, 51 Syra, Island, 53 SYRIA, 101
Tanganyika, 1gg
Target for riflemen, 166 Tarn R., 194 Taylor, Tom, 68 Telotype, 120 Thermometer, 227 Tiberias, Lake of, 1o6 Time, sense of, 277 Toad, pet, 114 Tounobis, 41, 131, 185
Tracings of self-recording instruments,
Transfusion of blood, 297 Trepanning, 31 Trinity College, 58, 81 Twins, 294
Tyndall, Prof., 172, 191, 254
Union Society, 75
University of London and Eugenics, 320
Vacation Tourists, 186 Victoria Nyanza, 199 Vienna, 25, 50 Vignolles, Mr., 187
Visions of sane persons, 273 Vivisecting, natural, 32 Vex populi, 280 Vries, de, 253
Wagons, 139, 142
Walfish Bay, 127, 132 Walrond, F., 69 Water, digging for, 138 Water snakes (Danube), 51 Watson, Rev. H. W., 305 Weather charts, 231 Webb, Mr., 170, 206 Weldon, Prof., 320 Whales (Shetland), 112 Wharton, Admiral Sir Wm., 165