bella Strutt, 'a lady of considerable fortune, and built Hadzor, near Droitwich, a large house, with much artistic taste. He enjoyed varied society, and made Hadzor an important social centre.
My uncle Howard was father to Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B. (1822-1899), an eminent authority on engineering, sanitation, and much else. Sir Douglas held" 'a record position in the examination at Woolwich for entry into the Royal Engineers, being first in every subject (see Diet. Nat. Biog.). Curiously enough, though we cousins were both addicted to science, and belonged alike to many scientific societies, and were both Secretaries of the British Association, our paths rarely crossed, except socially, for we were interested in quite different branches of science.
My father's eldest sister, Mary Anne (1778-1856), was a lady of some note as Mrs. Schimmelpenninck, more briefly known to us by repute as " Aunt Skim." A most unhappy feud separated her from all the rest of the family. It is not my duty, and it would certainly give me no pleasure, to enter into what the older members of the family conceived to have been frequent and mischievous misrepresentations. I would rather dwell on the facts that she was highly accomplished and handsome, and that she acquired many fast friends, as shown in the Life of the Gurneys of Earlham and in her own Memoirs. Also that she lived in the reputation of much sterling piety at Bristol, and that three of my own friends, of totally different temperaments, who knew her well, and of whom I inquired particularly, all spoke in pleasant memory of her and her eccentric ways. They were