Prof. W. B. Carpenter (1813-1885) the physiologist, J. Gwyn Jeffreys (1809-1885), conchologist, etc., and Sir Lewis Pelly, K.C.B. (1825-1892), Indian soldier and diplomatist. She wrote a book on Port Royal, and left a valuable library of Port Royalist literature to Sion College, which Mrs. Romanes told me was of great service to her in writing her recent history of that establishment. For more, see Dict. Nat. Biog.
I wish I could have learnt more details than I possess of another brother of my father, Theodore Galton (1784-1810), who left England for the grand tour, picked up many curios in Spain and Greece, and, returning in health from the East, was placed in quarantine at Malta. The quarantine establishment was attacked by the plague ; he caught it and it killed him. He had the highest reputation in the family for his natural gifts, mental and bodily. There is a touching notice of him in the Annual Register.
My mother was A. Violetta Darwin (1783-1874). I have heard from older friends, long since passed away, many charming stories of her as a young bride. She, as I understand, had nothing of the Quaker temperament, but was a joyous and unconventional girl. In her later life she formed the centre of our family during thirty years of widowhood, after any father's comparatively early death at the age of sixty. She was very methodical in her papers and accounts, and a most affectionate mother to myself. One curious faculty of hers deserves record. It was the ease with which she took in mentally, and afterwards reproduced in rough architectural drawing, the arrangement of any house she