afterwards Lord Byron, cousin and successor to the poet in the title. They were very kind to my sisters in their schooldays and after.
Now, as to my two parents and their brothers and sisters. My father, Samuel Tertius Galton
(I783-1844), the third in descent of the name of
Samuel, was one of the most honourable and kindly of men, and eminently statistical by disposition. He wrote a small book on currency, with tables, which testifies to his taste. He had a scientific bent, having about his house the simple gear appropriate to those days, of solar microscope, orrery, telescopes, mountain barometers without which he never travelled, and so forth. A sliding rule adapted to various uses was his constant companion. He was devoted to Shakespeare, and revelled in Hudibras ; he read Tom Jones through every year, and was gifted with an abundance of humour. Nevertheless, he became a careful man of business, on whose shoulders the work of the Bank chiefly rested in troublous times. Its duties had cramped much of the joy and aspirations of his early youth and manhood, and narrowed the opportunity he always eagerly desired, of abundant leisure for systetliat it stmly. As or c result of this drawback to his own development, he was earnestly desirous of giving me every opportunity of being educated that seemed feasible and right. He was the eldest son.
The second son, Hubert, married a sister of Robert Barclay, the banker. They had .three daughters, who all died unmarried-two while young, the other in advanced age.
The youngest son, John Howard, married Isa-