old waggon-spoors. It was strange to see how the dry season had altered the place; I should never have recognized it at a cursory glance. The fine sheet of vley water was now baked earth, and we drove over it to wells which were on the other side.
August rst.-In the clear evening we passed over the ridge which separates the water-shed of the Swakop from that of the Omoramba. The Schmelen's Hope Hills, and those by Jonker, and opposite to Barmen, rose into view at once, and we took our farewell leave of the beautiful cones of Omatako and the other high landmarks that had so long guided us. We found water at Okamabonde, and next day at Okandu, whence I sent a messenger on to Barmen with a note.
August ord -We rested at Schmelen's Hope, and August 4th, arrived safely at Barmen, being a year all but ten days from the time when I sailed from Cape Town, and five months from the day that the waggons left Schmelen's Hope; of these five months ninety days were employed in journeying onwards, independently of such excursions as were made from time to time to look out for roads. I occupied fifty days of travel to reach Nangoro's from Schmelen's Ilope, and forty days to come back again. The return distance was one hundred and sixty-eight hours, or about four hundred and sixty-tivo miles, and we were forty-nine days on the road, nine ofthem being days of rest or necessary delay. This gives, including stoppages, an average of nine and a half miles a day, which is very fair travelling for a continuance, even over known roads.