We had a fine night for chevying hyenas. After one was killed, and everything was silent, I sent a Damara out among the bushes to imitate their howl, that we might hear the others answer, and know where they were. He did it so successfully, that all the dogs were at him in an instant, and he was bitten.
July 171/1-Our old friend the hill Omuvereoom came into sight. The air was very thick and cold at nights. The sky bad quite an English November appearance. We found ice about us nearly every morning since leaving Ondonga. For the last three weeks I have observed that there is a vast deal of electricity in the air, every woollen thing crackles when rubbed with the hand. My large black dog "Wolf" is quite a powerful electrical machine when his back is stroked down.
July 25th.-We arrived at Ontikeremba, where there are a great many deep wells about four feet in diameter, and thirty feet deep. A row of four men contrived to hand up the water out of them ; but it was as much as they could do. I can hear nothing of the proceedings of the Hottentots, during my absence, but learnt the full particulars of Kahikene's death. The bed of the Omoramba is now that of a small sandy streamlet; yet wells are found in numbers along it.
July 26th.-At Otjikururumee we came in full sight of Diambotodthu, and Omatako was right before us.
July 28th.-Left the Omoramba, along which we had been travelling every day (except two) for more than a fortnight; and on July 29th arrived at Okandjoe.
We had now passed through the midst of Omagunde's country; but he had moved to where Kahikene had been staying, and therefore I saw nothing of him. Crowds of Damaras and nearly one thousand head of cattle were at Okandjoe, where there is copious well-water. I sent in a civil way to beg the use of two wells for my cattle ; but the Damaras were very impudent, and refused. We therefore seized upon the wells, and the Damaras became obliging and highly courteous.
It gave us quite a home feeling to see the hills that we knew so well round about us. I was now safe as regards water; for by my map I knew the distance to Kutjiamakompe, and thence, happen what might, I could pass through to Schmelen's Hope. We heard some news of the Missionaries here, that Mr. Hahn had been to Omaruru, and also that the Hottentots had been quiet, and not plundering.
July 31st.-Arrived at Kut,iatnakomp6, and were oa:ce again on our