Jhe Waggons are condemned-Messengers to the Cape-The Kat.koHistory of Damaraland--Ghou Damup Genealogies-Start for Elephant Fountain-Excessive Drought-Engage Eybrett-Sell my Cart and Mules-Travel from Eikhams-Shooting Giraffes in the Dusk-Elephant Fountain-Numerous Pitfalls-Plundering Expeditions-The Kubabees reach 'Ngami-Trouble of taking Observations-Leave Waggon and ride to the East-Engage Saul-Hans and a Lion-We enter the Bushman Tract-Rhinoceros Skulls-Hear of the Kubabees HottentotsStart for 'Tounobis-Shoot a White Rhinoceros-Reach 'TounobisElephant in a Pitfall-Prepare for Sport-Night-Watching for Game Rhinoceros Veal-Opera Glasses-Herd of Elephants-Fights and Frolics-Bulk of the Rhinoceros-A Picturesque Finale-Spring Hares -Remarks on my Route-Unicorns and Cockatrices-Bush men Springes-Setting Guns at Night-Description of Plate-Poisoned Arrows.
DURING my absence some little news had been received from Europe, for an Englishman had arrived by ship and settled near Walfisch Bay, to try his hand at cattle-trading ; and one newspaper had been received through his means. Of my own family I heard no tidings, and of course had been unable to receive any since I had left England, a year and four months previous to this time.
The missionaries receive their communications once in every two years, unless, by some chance accident, a post can be dispatched by ship from Cape Town. They tried to establish sets of messengers from Rehoboth to the Orange River, but the road is so long and difficult that the plan had to be abandoned. One of these messengers murdered his comrade, and said that he had been eaten by a lion ; at another time the letters were spoilt by the rains : on every occasion there was some delay or accident.
I was delighted to find that the Hottentots had remained very peaceable, only those under Cornelius having done any mischief to the Damaras during my absence. Confidence was being restored, and troops of Damaras were gathered about the watering-pi aces and pasturages of the Swakop, which had long been abandoned on account of their dangerous proximity to Jonker.
Now, as regards my own plans, the waggons were pronounced scarcely fit for an overland journey to the Cape. The tires of the