Egypt. 4
Elias, Ney, 26
Eldon, first Earl of, 13, 30
" Electrical Testing, Handbook of," 38
" Electrical Review," 38 Eminence, degrees of, in " note
worthy " persons, xxxv
Encyclopaedia Britannica," xiv Energy as a factor in success,
"England and Normandy, History of, 51
Number of counties of, xii
" English Men of Science," xiii
"Environment," xx
Nature of, xxi ; relation between this and ability in producing noteworthiness, xxi-xxv
"Etymological Dictionary," T9 Eugenics, vii, xli, 22 Evans, Anne, 20
Arthur Benoni, 20 Arthur J., 20, 8o Sir John, 20, 8o
Lewis, 20
Sebastian, 20
Excursion trains, 33
Exhibition buildings in Hyde Park, 24
Expectations of noteworthiness, xxxix
Express trains, 33
Faraday, Michael, 56
"Farm, The Chemistry of the,"
Fairer, Lord Herschell, 13
Fathers of F.R.S., xl
" Fauna of the Deep Sea," 32
F.R.S., reasons for selecting, as subject for inquiry, xiii ; circulars sent to, xxviii ; number of replies sent to circulars, xxix
Fellowship of Royal Society, distinction of, xi; material value of, xi; number of candidates for, xi
" Ferrier, Life of," 29
Fertile relatives, number of in
each degree, xxxii
Fertility, connection between,
and severe mental strain, xv Finger-prints, identification by, % 22
Fisher, Sir George, 67 Fitzgerald, Professor G. Francis, 63
Professor Maurice, 63
Fletcher, Harriet, 57 Maria, 57
Fleury, Rev. Charles M., 43
Ven. George L., 43
Flinders, Matthew, 53
Foljambe, Right Hon. Francis, 44
Forbes, David, Biography of, 25
Foster, Anthony, 42
Sir Augustus J., 43 Ebenezer, 27
John, Baron Oriel, 42 John Leslie, 43
John William, M.P., 42 Vere H. L., 43 William, D. D., 43
" Fossil Botany, Studies in," 59
" Foundations of Belief," i
"Fox, The Voyage of the," 42
Fox, Sir Charles, 24
France, Geology of, 26
Francis, John, 70
Franco-German War, 9
Franklin, The Fate of Sir John,"
Fry, Edmund, 21
Right Hon. Sir Edward, 21 Francis, 21
Joseph, 21 Joseph Storrs, 21 J. S. and Co., 21 Right Hon. Lewis, 21
Galton, Sir Douglas, 23 Francis, 19, 22 Samuel, 22
Geikie, Sir A., 24 Cunningham, 25 James, 25
James Stewart, 25 Walter, 25 Walter Bayne, 25
Genius, Hereditary," xiv, xvii
Genius, definition of, xvii ; here
dity of, xvii
" Genera Plantaruin," 34
Geography, Lectures on," 64
"Geology of England amid Wales,"
Gloucester and Bristol, C. Baring,
Bishop Of, 4
Godwin, Major- General Sir
Thomas H., 26
Godwin-Austen, Harold, 26 Lieutenant-Colonel H. H., 26,
Maria E., 26 R. A. C., 26, So
Gonville and Caius Coll., A
Biographical History of," 72
"Golden Treasury," 51
R 2