Co hill, Colonel Kendal, 77 Cohen, Meyer (Sir F. Palgrave), 51 Coke, Elizabeth, 54
Thomas W., 54 Collaterals, xxxii "Colliery Explosions,
Death in," 28
Colonial Office, 59
SIXTY-HIVE FAMILIES, xxxvii Conipton, Henry, 48 CONCLUSIONS, xxxix Constituents, incongruous, in
highest order of mind, xv Constitutional disease, proneness
of particular families to, x "Contracts, Specific Performance
of," 21
Conversation, rapid, xviii Coomassie, relief of, 44 Copeman, A. C., 16
Edward, 16
Peter, i6
S. M., 15
Copyright Act, 50
Cork, Bishop of, 43
Correlation, negative, between constituents of highest order of mind, xv
Cotterill, Arthur, 17
Henry (Senior Wrangler), 17 Professor J. H., 16 Joseph M. (surgeon), 17 Joseph M., D.D., 17 Rev. Thomas, 16 Thomas (mathematician), r7
Counties in England, Wales,
Scotland, and Ireland, number
required to provide one F.R.S.
annually, xii
Cousins, first, of F.R.S,, xl Crewe, first Earl of, 50 Crewe-Milnes, R. O. A., first Earl
of, 50
Crete, 20
Cromer, first Earl, 4
Crompton, Charles, 6, 57 Henry, 6, 57
" Cromwell, Oliver, the Protector," 52
Crum, Alexander, ro
Walter, To
Cuneiform writing, 47
Dalton, 24
Danish gunboat flotilla, defeat of, in the Belt, 76
Daphne, Greek settlements at, 53
Darjeeling, 26
Darwin, Charles (medical stu
dent), I8
Charles R. (author of " Origin
and Species," etc. ), I8, 23, 81
Erasmus (author of "Zoo
nomia," etc.), 17, 23
Erasmus (grandson of the
author of " Zoonomia") 18
Professor Francis, ig, 8i
Professor G. H. (now Sir
George), 17, 81
Horace, ig, 8i
Ma or Leonard, ig
Robert W., 18
Davy, Sir Humphry, 56
Degrees of eminence in " note
worthy " persons, xxxv
of remoteness of kinship,
De la Rue, 33 Delane, 62
Denmark, Queen of, 9
" Dental Anatomy, Manual of," 70 " Dental Surgery," 71 Dentists Act, 71
Descendants, direct, xxxii De Vries, xlii
Devonshire, geology of, 26 De Winter, Admiral, 30 Dickens, illustrations to, 56 Dickinson, John, F.R.S., 20
John, 21
Dictionary of National Bio
graphy," xiv
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston, 46 Diminution of frequency of note
worthiness with increase of
distance of kinship, xxxix Dundas and Wilson, 8
Sir David, 8
David, 8
George, 8
John, 8
Lord, 8
Ralph, 7
Duff, vide Grant Duff
Duncan, Adam, Viscount I)uncan
of Camperdown, 30 Durham, Bishop Of, 4
Lord, 65
" Ecce Homo," 15
Eccentricity in families of able
scientific men, xvi
" Economist," 51 Edgeworth, R. L., 24
" Edinburgh Encyclopaedia," I I " Education, Memoirs on," 13 Egerton, Right Hon. Sir Edwin,
Cause of