Gordon, statue of General, 70 Gotch, Professor F., 27
Fredrick W., 27
Thomas Cooper, 27 Grant, Jane Maria, 66
Sir J. P. (Indian judge), 66
Sir J. P. (Indian and Colonial
Governor), 66 Grant Duff, Adrian, 28
Arthur C., 28
Evelyn M., 28
James, 28, 83
Right Hon. Sir M. E., 27, 83 Granville, statue of Lord, 70 Greene, H. W., 78 Grey, second Earl, 5
Hon. Lady, 4
Charles, 5
Sir George, 5
Griffin, Vice-Admiral William, 62 Gurney, Ellen, 74
Mrs. Russell, 74
Haden, Dr. Charles T., 35
Sir F. Seymour, 35
Dr. Thomas, 35
Hague, Court of International
Arbitration at the, 21 Haldane, Alex. Chinnery, 29
Daniel R., 29
Elizabeth Sanderson, 13, 29 James A., 29
Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. L., 29 J. S., I3, 28
Robert, 29
Right lion. R. B., 13, 29
Halkett, General, 37 "Harmony, Textbook of," 35 Hartmann, Julius von, 9 " Harvesting Ants," 46
• Hastings and the Rohilla War,"
Hastings, Warren, 44
Hausmann, Friedich, 9 " Heather Hills, My," 25 "Hebrew Politics in the Time of
Sargon and Sennacherib," 65
Hegel's " History of Philosophy,"
"Heine, Heinrich, Songs and Lyrics by," 25
Hellicar, Ames, 3
Herbert Hospita lat Woolwich, 23
• Hereditary Genius," xiv, ;vii, xlii
Herdman, J. C. (senior), 31 J. C. (junior), 31 Robert, 31, 84
Sophia, 31
William, 31
Herdman, Professor W. A., 30, 84 Herschell, first Lord, 13 Hewett, Bertram H. M., 27 " Hibbert Journal," 40 Hickson, Professor S. J., 3I
W. E., 32
HIGHEST ORDER or ABILITY, xiv " Highland Lady, Memoirs of a,"
Hill, Arthur, 32
Edward B. L., 33
Edwin, 33
G. Birkbeck, 32
Sir John E. G., 33
Professor Leonard, 32
Matthew Davenport, 33
Norman, 33
Sir Rowland, 33
Thomas W., 33
Hindoostan, Materia Medica
of," 28
Hodgkin, maiden name of Lady
Fry, 22
Hogarth, 37
Homan, Mrs. Ruth, 32 Home Office, 59
Hooker, Sir Joseph D., 34, 82
Sir William J., 34, 82 Horsley, Charles E., 35
John Callcott, 35, 84
Sir V., 27, 34, 84
William, 34 Houghton, Lord, 50 11 Huia, The," 38
Ignorance concerning note
worthiness of kinsmen in dis
tant degree, xxxviii Imaginative power near to
lunacy, xv
" Immortality, Ode to," xvi Incongruous constituents in
highest order of mind, xv
" India," 65
" India, Finances and Public
Works of," 64
India Office, 59
Indian Meteorological Depart
ment, 6
Industrial Conciliation," 7 Intensity of any specified quality
in each or any degree of kin
ship, how measured, xxix
" Internal Motion of Gases," 62 Ireland, number of counties of,
" Italian Poets, Lives of," 62
Jackson, George, 75 Jenkinson, Sir Edward, 5