Bernard, Charles B., Bishop of Tuam, 61
Bewick, 37
Biography, Dictionary of National," xiv
Blanford, H. F., 6
William, 5
W. T., 5
Blood, Professor W. Bindon, 62
General Sir Bindon, 62 Bohemianism and artistic tem
perament, xv
Bonamy Price, Professor, xvi Booth, Right Hon. Charles, 6 57
Henry, 6
James, 6
Thomas, 6
Bosanquet, Bernard, 7 C. B. P., 7
Vice-Admiral Day Hort, 7 Sir John Bernard, Robert C., 7
R. H. M., 7
Botanic Garden," 17
Bottomley, James Thomson, 8, 69
Bramwell, Lord, 36
Sir Frederick, 36 Brandis, C. A., 9, 83
Sir Dietrich, 8, 83 Joachini D., 9
Johannes, 9
Bray, Anna Eliza, 38
Brewster, Sir David, 1 i Bright, statue of John, 70 Britons, Ancient, 20
Brodrick, Charles, Archbishop of Cashel, 6o
George C. (Warden of Merton), 61
Right ht Hon. William St. J.,
W. J., seventh Viscount Midleton, 61
Brodrick Scott, Charles, 61 Brothers, average number of, for any person, xxxi
Brown, Professor A. Crum, 9, 82
General David, 72
John, of Haddington (1722
1787), 9
John, of Whitburn (1754-1832), 10
John, of Biggor (1784-1858), 10, 82
John, M.D., 1o
John (engineer), 75 Browne, Sir J. Crichton, i 1, 82 W. A. F., 11, 82
Brunel, Isambard, 35
Buller, Sir Arthur, 65
Charles, 65
Isabella B., 64
Burdon, Sir Thomas, 12 Burdon-Sanderson, Sir John S.,
Richard, 12
Burke's " Peerage," xix Burrows, Professor R. M., 68 Bushe, Charles Kendal, 78
Seymour Coghill Hort, 78
Calcott, Sir Augustus Wall, 35
John Wall, 35
Cambrian Pottery Works, 46 Camperdown, Earl of, 30
Viscount Duncan of, 30 "Canadian Men and Women of
the Time," 58
Candidates for Fellowship of
Royal Society, number of, xi
Caricaturists on women who
study hard, xv
Cashel, Archbishop of, 6o Cecil, family of, 2
" Celebes, Naturalist in North,"
Celebrity, reasons why men who
have attained to the highest,
fail to leave worthy successors,
if any, xv
Cerebration, unconscious, xviii Ceylon pearl fisheries, 31 Chance, xx
Chantrey, 70
" Challenger Reports," 49, 62 Charity Organization Society, 7
Charles R. Darwin, Life and
Letters of," 18, 19 Chree, Alex. B., 14
Charles, D.D., 14
Charles, F.R.S., 13
Jessie S., 14
William, 14
Christchurch, New Zealand,
Archdeacon of, 6o Church, Professor A. H., 15
Rev. A. J., 15
H. F., 15
"Church Architecture, History
of English," 6o
Church Missionary Society, 72,
Cinchona-bearing trees, 44 Circular sent to Fellows of Royal
Society, ix, xxviii Clive, Lord, 64 Clogher, Bishop of, 43 Cochrane, Lord, 49 Coghill, Admiral Sir J., 78