How far can noteworthiness be accepted as a statistical measure of, xxi ; nature of, xxi ; relation between this and environment in producing noteworthiness, xxixxv
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 30 Sir Robert, 30
Abraham, Harry, 48 Joseph, 47
Abstention in replying to circular,
suggested reasons for, xxxiv Abydos, kings of earliest dynasties
at, 53
Abyssinian Expedition, 5, 44 Accident, definition of, xx Achromatic microscope, 40 "Adam Smith, Life of," 13 Adelaide, South Australia, 6 Ainslie, Sir Whitelaw, 28 Airy, Sir George B., 59 Albert, bust of Prince, 70
Memorial, 70
"Alert," 44
Alexandria, defeat of French 30
Allardice, Robert Barclay, 22 "All on the Irish Shore," 78 Ancestry, direct, xxxii
"Ancient Cubit and our Weights
and Measures," 76 "Ankylostomiasis in Mines," 28 " Antiseptic Treatment in Sur
gery," 39
Ashburton, first Baron, 4
" Ashburton Treaty," 4
" Arabia, A Year's journey
through Eastern and Central,"
Archaeology, British School of, at Athens, 7
Ar tic Voyages, 42-44 Arkwright, Sir Richard 3
I Artistic Temperament and Bo
hemianism, xv "Athenaeum," 62 Augusta, H.M. Empress, 9 Austen, Sir Henry E, 26
Robert, 26 Autotype process, 47 Avebury, Lord, 41, 80
Balfour, Andrew, l i
Isaac Bayley, II
John Hutton, i l
Right Hon. A. J., I
Professor F. M., i
Right Hon. Gerald, i Balfour-Browne, John Hutton,
Ball, Sir Charles B., 3
Sir Robert S., 2, 80
Robert, 2, 80
Valentine, 3, 80 Bangor, Dean of, 76 Barclay, Capt., of Ury, 22 Barnard, Frederick, 56
George, 56
Harold L., 56
Baring Brothers and Co., 4
Alexander, 4
Charles, 4
Evelyn, 4
Sir Francis, 3
Francis Thornhill, 4
Thomas, 4
Thomas George, 3 Baring-Gould, Rev. S., 5 Bass, George, 53 Batten, Enlelia, 74
George, 65
Bateson, xlii
"Beagle, Voyage of," 18 "Beduins, With the," 33 Belper, Lord, 24
Bell's " British Quadrupeds," 71 Bentham, Samuel, 24 Berlin waterworks, 24