tainly above the average of women of her time; interested in natural history ; drew well in pen and pencil ; was an accomplished musician.
si son, Bertram H. M. Hewett, civil engineer ; surveyed the great glaciers of the Mustakh Range, Kashmir, and elsewhere ; is now in sole charge of main shaft of tunnel under the river in New York.
Francis Gotch (b. 1853), D.Sc., F.R.S., Waynflete Professor of Physiology at Oxford ; formerly Holt Professor of Physiology at University Coll., Liverpool ; author of many scientific papers.-[" Who's Who."]
me fa, Ebenezer Foster, founder of well-known banking firm of Messrs. Foster, Cambridge.
fa, Fredrick William Gotch, LL. D., late President of Baptist College, Bristol ; Hebrew scholar ; member of committee for the authorized version of the Old Testament.
fa bro son, Thomas Cooper Gotch (b. 1854), well-known painter.-[" Who's Who."] wi bro, Sir Victor Horsley (q.v. ).
Right Hon. Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff (b. 1829), G.C.S.I., P.C., F.R.S., sometime Under-Secretary of State for India and the Colonies, and Governor of Madras ; has been Lord Rector of Aberdeen University, and president of many learned societies ; King's Trustee of British Museum since 1903 ; author