Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Haversham GodwinAusten (b. 1834), F.R.S., geologist ; Topographical Assistant to the Trigonometric Survey of India; surveyed the high country and glaciers of Kashmir and by Ladak, also between Darjeeling and Punakha ; numerous scientific memoirs. ["Who's Who."]
fa fa fa, Robert Austen, archeologist and coin collector ; he was one of the few in his time who understood the value of local maps ; a good surveyor of his own property and neighbourhood.
fa fa, Sir Henry E. Austen, interested in forestry, and planted largely on his estate ; he also knew the value of maps, and had excellent ones of his property.
fa, Robert Alfred C. Godwin-Austen (i 8o81884), F.R.S., geologist, took additional surname of Godwin ; wrote important papers on the geology of Devonshire, Southern England, and parts of France.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me fa, Major-General Sir Thomas H. Godwin
(1784-1853), K.C.B., served in Hanover and the
Peninsula, Commander-in-Chief in second Burmese War.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
bro, Harold Godwin-Austen, Assistant-Commissioner to the Andaman Islands for thirteen years ; was selected by Ney Elias to accompany him on a mission to Yarkand and Kashmir; is now a Deputy Commissioner in S. India.
me, Maria Elizabeth Godwin-Austen, was cer-