of political, literary, and biographical works.[` Who's Who."]
fa, James Grant Duff (1789-1858), while still a lieutenant, aged twenty-eight, reduced the Sattara State to order after the overthrow of the Peishwa, and restored it to the descendant of its ancient princes, whom he guided as resident till his health broke down at the age of thirty-three. Returning to this country, he wrote the " History of the Mahrattas. -[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me fa, Sir Whitelaw Ainslie (1767-1837), surgeon in the East India Company's service, 1788-1815 ; published " Materia Medica of Hindoostan," and other works.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
son, Arthur Cuninghame Grant Duff (b. 1861), lately First Secretary to H. M.'s Legation, Mexico.
son, Evelyn Mountstuart Grant Duff (b. 1863), First Secretary to H. M.'s Legation, Persia.
son, Adrian Grant Duff (b. 1869), Staff Captain (Intelligence Dept.) Army Headquarters.
John Scott Haldane (b. i86o), F.R.S., University Lecturer in Physiology, Oxford ; joint editor and founder of " Journal of Hygiene "; has served on several departmental committees, and carried out special inquiries for Government departments ; author of " Blue Books on the Cause of Death in Colliery Explosions," 1895 ; " Ankylostomiasis in Mines," 1902-1903, etc.-["Who's Who."]