Positivist Community; authority on Trades Union Law, and author of " Industrial Conciliation." me si son, Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, F.R.S.
Robert Holford- Macdowall Bosanquet, F.R.S. (b. 1841). Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford; author of many mathematical and physical memoirs, chiefly in the " Philosophical Magazinc.
fa fa bra, Sir John Bernard Bosanquet (17731847), Judge of Common Pleas, 1830; Lord Commissioner of Great Seal, 1835-1836. - [" Dict. N. Biog. "]
bvo, Bernard Bosanquet (b: 1848), Prof. of Moral Philosophy, St. Andrews, since 1903 ; formerly Fellow of University Coll., Oxford ; worked in connection with Charity Organization Society ; author of many books on philosophy.-[" Who's Who. "]
bro, Vice-Admiral Day Hort Bosanquet (b. 1843), Commander-in-Chief West Indian Station since 1904; previously Commander-in-Chief East Indian.
[" Who's Who."]
fa son, Charles Bertie Pulleine Bosanquet (b. 1834), a founder and the first secretary of the Charity Organization Society.
me fa bra, Hay Macdowall (d. 1806), Com
mander-in-Chief of Madras Presidency.
fa son soil, Robert Carr Bosanquet (b. 18-1), archa.ologist, director of British School of Archaeology at Athens.