successful manufacturing business in Adelaide, S. Australia.
bro, Henry Francis Blanford, F.R.S., for many years at the head of the Indian Meteorological Department, which he originally organized.
Right Hon. Charles Booth (b. 1840), P. C., F.R.S., economist and statistician ; President of the Royal Statistical Soc., 1892-1894 ; originated and carried through a co-operative inquiry in minute detail into the houses and occupations of the inhabitants of London, which resulted in the volumes " Life and Labour of the People of London "; author of memoirs on allied subjects. [" Ency. Brit.," xxvi. 3o6; " Who's Who."]
• fa, Thomas Booth, successful merchant and shipowner at Liverpool.
• bro, Henry Booth (1788-1869), railway projector; co-operated with Stephenson in applying steam to locomotion, published much relating to railways, and invented mechanical contrivances still in use on railways ; secretary and then railway director.-[" Diet. N. Biog.," v. 382.]
• bro, James Booth (1796-1880), C. B., Parliamentary draughtsman ; became Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade.
me si son, Charles Crompton, Fourth Wrangler, Q.C., and for some years M.P. for the Leek Division of Staffordshire.
me s7 son, Henry Crompton, a leader in the