me si son, Ralph Dundas, head of large and influential firm of Dundas and Wilson, Writers to the Signet, Edinburgh. His relatives on his father's side include his
fa, John Dundas, worked up the business of Dundas and Wilson into its present position.
fa fa son, Sir David Dundas (1799-1877), Judge-Advocate-General and Privy Councillor, 1849. [" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa fa son, George Dundas, Judge in Scotch Courts under the title of Lord Manor.
fa fa son son, David Dundas, K. C. (b. 1854), Judge in Scotch Courts under the title of Lord Dundas ; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1903. -[" Who's Who."]
James Thomson Bottom ley (Hon. LL. D., Glas
gow), D. Sc., F.R.S., electrical engineer (1870
1899) ; Arnott and Thomson, Demonstrator in
the University of Glasgow.-[" Who's- Who."]
me fa, James Thomson.
me bro, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, F.R.S. me bro, James Thomson, F.R.S. See Thomson for the above.
Sir Dietrich Brandis (b. 1824), K.C.I.E., F.R.S., Superintendent of Forests, British Burmah, 1856-1864 ; Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India, 1864-1883.-[" Who's Who."]