OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 667 Sedley, Catherine (Countess of Dorchester), character and ancestry of, 119-20; portrait of, 119 Plate XIV Sedley, Sir Charles, character of, 120; notices of, 120; portrait of, 127 Plate XXI Sedley, Sir William, founder of Sedleian professorship, Oxford, ancestor of Francis Galton, 121 Seeds, inheritance of weight and diameter of, in mother and daughter plants, 11392, IIIA 3-7 Seeley, Prof. J. R., and 'The Reader,' 11 68 Segregation, of the feeble-minded, MA 365-367, and their happiness under it, IIIA 373-374 Selection, and variation, II 171; Darwin's Natural, 1117 1; Galton's Germinal, 11171, 185, 186; Pearson's Reproductive, IIIB 505 etc.; effect of long-continued, 11399; and man, 1172-73; artificial, 11 120; of plants grown in windy and still air, IIIA 131-132, 133; selection of germinal elements, II 172; stringent, in man, 11 263-264; effect of artificial, on birth-rate, IIIA 92; effect of continued, IIIA 93, 94; and progress, IIIA 94; and multiple regression, IIIA 94; and correlation of characters in organism, IIIA 94; of size of head in bull-dog, IIIA 94; retrograde, IIIA 95; and variability, MA 27; natural, and new forms, IIIA 32, 170; of size, and its limits, IIIA 49; observations on, MA 135; sexual, and finger-prints, IIIA 168169; natural, and finger-prints, IIIA 169 Selector, Galton's mechanical, to pick out individuals of given character, 11305, 306, IIIA 149 Self, multiple nature of,11246 Self-Consciousness, in Galton, I 93, 94 Self-Control, in criminals, II 230 Selagmann, Dr, takes Galton round Vienna hospitals and museums, 196, 97 Semlin, visited by Galton, 1133 Sensation, scale of, IIIB 493; and its source, Fechner's Law, IIIB 464; limit of, 11307; variation in threshold of, 11 308; faint, and the imagination, 11307, 308 Senses, keenness and discrimination of, 11359, 365 Sensitivity, of men and women, II 221; and ability, 11 222; to colour differences, Galton's instrument to measure, 1 1226 Sentiments, influence of early, II 256, 257 Sergi, G., asks Galton's aid as to anthropometric instru ments, 11 226; Galton meets in Italy, IIIB 474 Serpent, Galton )jumps on its tail, 1234 Services, the public, and marks for bodily efficiency, 11387,388 Seton-Karr, hunter, MB 516 Seward, Anna, and Dr Erasmus Darwin, 11192, 193 Sex, and creative genius, 11 99; necessity of, in complex organisations, II 182; advantages of, II 185; and mental imagery, 11 242; associated with numbers, 11 253; and its origin, IIIA 135; and touch, IIIA 169; of offspring of aged fathers, 1 1210 Sextant, examination of, at Kew, 11 49, 50, 59; super position of photographs by aid of, 11285, 287 Sexual Attractiveness, and the origin of varieties, 11272, 273 Sexual Generation and Cross-fertilisation, paper by Galton, IIIA 318 Shades, measurement of resemblance in, II 303 Sheen, Margaret, recollections of Galton and Darwin, 11 196; at San Remo, MA 244; at Bordighera, IIIA 276 Sharpey, Prof., large size of head, IIIA 248 Shaw, G. Bernard; 'Superman' of, II 109; on marriage and Eugenics, IIIA 260, 261; lectures for Eugenics Education Society, IIIA 427 Sheep, hermaphrodites in, IIIA 359; blood of, at different seasons, IIIB 564 Sheikh, incident with a, and Galton in Egypt, 1200, 205 Shell-Shock, family history of cases of, II 173; and mental overwork, 11 278 Sheppard, W. F., his table of deviates, 11401; table of centiles calculated by, IIIA 304, 312; letters of Galton to, IIIB 486, 487; dines with Galton, MB 487; his number form, IIIB 486 Shirreff, Emily, letters to Galton, II 132, 133; meets Galton in Italy, IIIB 474 Shooting, boar in Egypt, 1200; hippopotami in Egypt, I 202; lions in Africa, I 222, 223, 224; -giraffe in Africa, I 223; rhinoceroses in Africa, I 224, 237; hyena and fowl in Africa, 1231; grouse in Scotland, 1208; hunting and, 1208-209; fox-hunting, finer sport than big game, 1234 Shorthouse, John Henry, and Abrahams family, I 39; see also Pedigree Plate D in pocket of Vol. I Short-Lived families, Buttons, 136, 37, 42, 43; Hubert Galtons, 153 Shortsightedness, inheritance of, IIIA 356. See also Sight Shyness, resemblance in brothers, MA 247 Siblings, and `sibs,' origin of words, MA 332; finger. prints in, pairs of siblings, IIIA 189, 190, 191 Sibship, of Francis Galton, 163 Sicily, Weldon works on snails in, IIIA 251; induces Galton to visit, IIIB 525, 526 Sight, tests for, II 222, 223; maximum values for keenness of, 11 374; percentile values of keenness of, 11 376; values of keenness of, at each rank, 11 390 Silhouette Portraits, of Elizabeth Collier (Mrs Pole. and her dog), I 21, Plate XVII, I 14 Plate IV bis (as Mrs Erasmus Darwin); of Dr Erasmus Darwin and his son Erasmus at chess, I 14 Plate IV; of Dr Darwin alone, I 14 Plate IV bis; of Mrs Samuel Galton (Lucy Barclay) I 44 Plate XXVI; of Tertius Galton with his children, I 52 Plate XXXIV; of Mrs Schimmelpenninck (Mary Ann Galton), 154 Plate XXXV; of Theodore Galton, and of Adele Galton, I 54 Plate XXXV; of Erasmus Galton, I 69 Plate XLII; of Francis Galton, as a child, 162 Plate XXXIX; when aged 65, 11 310 Silhouettes, Galton's use of, II 304, 309; method of taking, II 309, 310; photographic, examples of, Galton's own, 11 310; method of indexing, IIIA 325, 326; Galton's researches on, IIIB 577, 578; on a collection, including members of Galton family, IIIB 580. See also Profiles Simon [Sir R. M.], consulted as to 'medical histories' of individuals, 11 359; Galton studies anatomy under, at King's College, 1105 Simpson, Mrs (nee Senior), Galton visits, IIIB 513 Simpson, second wrangler to Cayley in 1842, 1164 Sin, original, influence of doctrine of, 11 85 Sires, prepotency of, in trotting horses, IIIA 99, 100, in Basset hounds, IIIA 44 Sisters, composite portraits of, II 288 Plate XXXII, 1 1288 Plate XXXIII Sketches, of Breadsall Priory, I 74 Plate XLIII and Breadsall Church, I 74 Plate XLIV; and plan of 'The Larches,' 175 Plate XLV; of Elston Hall, 130 Plate XXIII; of Heydon Hall, I 246 Plate LXIV; of Claverdon, House and Church, 148 Plate XXIX; of Loxton, of Dudson, of Whaley, of Hadzor, I 48 Plate XXIX; of Duddeston House, 148 Plate XXX; from the Diary of Sir Francis Darwin's Boyhood, 116 Plate V, I 18 Plate X, 122 Plate XIX; of Francis Galton, by Evelyne Biggs, II viii, and 11 425 Plate LIV, by Frank Carter, II xi, and IIIA 432 Plate XL; of d'Arnaud Bey, MB 455 Plate XLVI; water colour, of the children of Dr Erasmus Darwin and his wife Elizabeth, I 246; of Francis Galton in the 84-2