OCR Rendition - approximate
666 Index St Andrews, Dr Heron's lectures at, MA 360, 361 St Quintins, the, at Keswick, 1156 Saleeby, C. W., controversial methods of, IIIA 404, 405; attacks Eugenics Laboratory, 11IA 408, TUB 601; his views on Eugenics, IIIA 372, 428, 430, IIIB 605; his `Parenthood and Race Culture,' IIIB 597; prepares abstracts of Galton's books for Harmsworth, IIIB 601 Salisbury, Galton visits, II 130 Salisbury, Lord, never took exercise, IIIB 569; size of head and stature of, 11 150 Salvin, on Evolution Committee, IIIA 127, 291; char acteristics of, IIIA 325 Sampler,* f Lucy Barclay worked at Ury, I 46 Plate Sandow, pupils of, IIIA 253; physique of, IIIA 253 Sandwich, origin of word for food, ]JIB 548 Sandwich Islands, named after Lord Sandwich, Me 548 Sandy8, Dr, speech on presentation of Galton for Hon. D.Sc. at Cambridge, IIIB 495 Sanitary Administration, needs of, 1 1156 Savage, 'Elizabeth, wife of Sir Charles Sedley and ancestress of Galton, 120 Savage Peoples, suggested tests for, 11 385 Savages, character of, II 74; and domestication of animals, 1 170, 71 Savants, characteristics of, 11 141 Savile, Elizabeth, mother of Sir Charles Sedley, 120 Savile, Mary, on holiday with Evelyne Biggs, IIIB 574, 578.; calls on Galton, IIIB 608 Savile, Sir Henry, ancestor of Galton, scholarship of, ,120; portrait of, 120 Plate XV Savile-Sedley, ancestry of Galton, its characteristics, 121 Sayce, Prof., in Egypt, IIIB 517, 518, 519 Sayers, Captain, Galton meets, I 113; possible influence of, 1214 Scales, for testing hair, skin, and eye colours, 1 1223226; for standardisation of colours, 11 224-226 Scandinavian Hybridisation of British race, 11 371 Schedules, reluctance to fill in, II 357; dealing withage of parents and vigour of offspring, 11 348, 349; persons of advanced age, 11349, 350; social stability, 11350, 351; mental fatigue, 11276, 351, 352; innate characters and intelligence of different races, 11352, 353; alleged darkening of hair in English, 11353, 354; for composite family portraits, 11356; for analysis of men of science, 11149-155; on faculty of visualisation, II 236-238; on same from Charles Darwin, II 194, 195; for phthisical patients, II 291; as four-yearly reports from `old boys' to their schools, II 346; statistics by, II 348-356; as biographical registers, 11 355; for use in pedigree work, IM 105, 106; sent to Fellows of the Roy. Soc., IIIA 108, 113-114; to form register of able families, IIIA 121; for heredity of disease, IIIA 71, 72 Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne (nee Galton), aunt to Francis Galton, memoirs of, II 193, MB 604; her appreciation of Samuel Galton the First, I 41-43; ability of, 153-54; Francis Galton on, IIIB 553, 580; silhouette of, 154 Plate XXXV, IIIB 580 Schmidt, Dr, at Keswick, 1156, 157 Schoolboys and headmasters, 1,87-88 Schoolmasters, their neglect of opportunities, MA 232, 233; their opportunities for observational work, 11 344-348 Schools, attended by Darwin, his views on, I 12; attended by Galton, Mrs French's, 167, 175 Plate XLV ; at Boulogne, I 70-74; Mr Atwood's, 177-80,- King Edward's at Birmingham, I 81-90, Francis begs to be removed from, 186-89; anthropometric data from, 11 336-337, 343-346; should serve two purposes, as place of education and place of research, II 344; value of, for statistical inquiries, II 344-345; and myopia, IIIA 356 Schuster, Sir A., number form of, II 242, IIIB 469 Schuster, Edgar; first Galton Eugenics Research Fellow, MA 258, 274, 291, 296, 300, 111B 536, 541, 542; resignation of fellowship, IIIA 291, 296-298, 300; his anthropometric work at Oxford, IIIA 328, 379;. Galton's letters to, III 541-542, 554-558, 562, 577, 583; letters of, to Galton, IIIB 561, 583-584; joint work with Galton on `Noteworthy Families,' IIIA 264; work on the human brain, IIIA 315, 325, 326; memoirs by, IIIA 258, 259, 279; on inheritance of mental characters, IIIA 291; on promise off youth and performance of manhood, IIIA 232; on sequestrated church properties, IIIA 370; his opinion of Ethel M. Elderton, IIIA 305 Schweinfurth, G., geographicaldiscoveries of,1131; Galton has two days in the desert with, IIIA 240; with Galton in Cairo, IIIB 518-519; sends Galton a photograph of d'Arnaud Bey, IIIB 455 and Plate XLVI Science, how sciences develop, Galton, IIIB 463, Pearson, IIIA 262; scope of, 11 347-348; and religion, 11135, 147, 151, 152, 261; priesthood- of, 1 1156; inheritance of-ability in, 1 197, imagination in, 11 98, power of analysis in, 11 98; inborn taste for, II 152; need for travelling fellowships in, II 152; ways of furthering, 11153-155; as a profession and as a pursuit, 11 154155, IIIA 331; in education, II 155; at school, Francs Galton's craving for, 189 Scientific, memoirs, low literary standard of, IIIA 329332, 336-339; achievement and environmental causes, II 148-149, in relatives of scientific. men, II 151, IIIA 107-121; ability, waste of, II 153; superintendence, value of, 11 153; low general culture of modern writersof memoirs, IIIA 331, 338; research and propagandism in Eugenics, MA 371, 372, 379; Societies Committee, Local, Galton Chairman of,II362; salon of Mrs Hertz, IIIB464; discoverers andstatesmen, II 135; tastes of Samuel Galton, 146-48; ability of Erasmus Darwin, I 16, 49, of Sir Douglas Galton, I 53; ability, sources of Francis Galton's, I 48; imagination in Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin and Francis Galton, I 48; tastes, reawakening of, in Francis Galton, I 209-211, Chapter vii, I 211-242: chat, Francis Galton's delight in, IIIB 596, 611 Scientists, fertility of, II 96; motives of, 11 96, 97; distinguished, number of, in British Isles, II 151: energy of, 11 151, 251; independence of character in, 11151, 155; mechanical aptitude in, 11 151; religious faith of, II 152; teaching of, II 155; mediocre academic degrees of, II 155; antecedents of, II 177, 178; nature and nurture of, II 177-179; mental imagery of, 11 237; phantasmagoria of, II 244; veracity of, IIIB 478, 479; size of head and stature of, 11 149,150; English men of science, II 87, 130, 134, 142, 145; characteristics of, 11 149-155, 207 Scotland, Galton's tour in, 1104-105 Scotland Yard, Galton visits, to see finger-print indexing, IIIB 572 Scott, Dr Dukinleld, President of Linnean Society at Darwin-Wallace Celebration, IIIA 340-341 Scott, R. H. (Secretary to Meteorological Council), IIIB 475 Scottish Lowlanders, ability of, 11 106 Seabrooke (Evelyne Biggs' maid), adventure at Biarritz, IIIB 561; mentioned, TUB 583 Seal, and parchment carried by Galton in Africa, 1220; made for Galton in Egypt, MB 518 Sedgwick, Adam, views on farm for experimental breeding, IIIA 134; and Darwin Commemoration, IIIA 369