OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 651 Hygres, Galton at, IIIA 249 Hyperscope, invention of, II 20; use of, by Galton, IIIB 618 `Ibis,' Galton's boat up the Nile, 1200 Ibrahim Pacha, obeys order not to drink wine by drinking brandy, MB 572 Iceland Spar Compounder, Galton's, II. 287 Ideals, and economics, 11254, 255 Ideas, association of, II 233-236, 256; limitation of, II 236; subconscious, and will, II 247; and consciousness, II 256; abstract, and nurture, II 255; selective action of brain in storing, II 256 Identification, personal, MA 138-216; history and controversy regarding finger-prints, IIIA 138-154; popularisation of finger-prints as method of, IIIA 154-160; scientific papers and books on, IIIA 161-216; by profiles, II 304, 306, 326; Bertillon's system -of, II 304-306, 380, 383, etc.; anthropometrie register and, 11 398; American system of, IIIA 188. See also Finger-Prints Identification Offices , uses of, MA 157, 158, 160 Idiocy, in children of drunkards, II 148; and cousin marriage, IIIB 470 Idiosyncrasy, in Col. M., regarding mention of injuries, 11 279 Idiots, in general population, 1190; mental capacity of, 11 272 Illegitimacy, among the feeble-minded, IIIA 366 Illnesses, grave, Galton's list of, 11 366 Illustraria (Selenia moth), experiments with, Ills 47, 49,111-484 Illustrious men, definition of, 1189 Images, optical combination of, 11 285 Imagination, in science, 11 98; in literary men, 11 256; analytical power and, 11 98; measurement of, 11 307; aid of, in deafness, 11 308; power of, IIIB 492, 493 Imaginative Power, and lunacy, IIIA 115 Impregnation, under effect of alcoholism, 11 129 Impressions, and blended memories, II 296; general, frequent-incorrectness of, 11296, 297, IIIA 274,.364, 405; moral, in childhood, 11 127 Imprisonment, statistics regarding terms of, 11 406 Inaudi, mental sums of, 11275, 276; cited by Galton as a `sport,' IIIA 85 Inbreeding, following selection, IIIA 94; Galton on, in man, IIIA 270; intensive, and evolution, IIIA 431 Incommensurable Motives, Galton on, 11246, 247 Independence of Character, in cattle, 11 73, 74 Index, of finger-prints, IIIA 140, 149-153, 159, 160, 164, 165, 167, 170-174, 186, 187, 197-214; of pedigrees, IIIA 103, 104; of mistakability, 11 329-333, depends on vision of operator, II 330, 331. See also Finger Prints Indexing, of profiles, II 304, 323, 324, IIIA 325, 326; and numeralisation of portraits, 11323-328; diagrams, 11325, 327; and the Bertillon system, 11383, 398 India, queries regarding our treatment of, 11 417; use of finger-prints in, IIIA 146, 147, 151, 153-155, 157159, 176, 187, 195, IIIB 591; need for identification office in, IIIA 157; finger-prints of criminals in, IIIA 254 India Office, and marks for physical qualification for admission to Indian Civil Service, II 388, 394 Indian Civil Service, appointment in, as test of ability, IIIA 247, 327 Indians, some characteristics of, IIIA 157 Indifferentism, effect of, 11 154 Individual, anthropometric description of the, II 380; and type, measure of difference between, II 311; life, control of, 11113, 114 Individual Difference Problem, Galton's paper on, 11411414 Individuality, measurement of, 11303-306; of profiles, 11 323; extreme and modal examples of, II 412; limitations of, II 413; of very gifted men, IIIA 32; permanence of, IIIA 279 Industrial Anhhropometry, foreshadowing of, II 358; value of, 11 382 Inebriates, report regarding, IIIA 301 Infants, measurements on, IIIB 496; finger-prints of, IIIB 496-499 Infectious Illness, at the Birmingham Free School, 181, 84,85 Influences, effect of small but persistent, IIIA 403, 404 Inge, Dean, and Eugenics Education Soc., IIIA 339; preaches on Eugenics, IIIB 612 Inheritance. See under Heredity Innate Taste, for science, fostering of, 11 153 Inquisition, and free-thinkers, 11111, 112 Insane, General Register of the, proposals regarding, IIIA 365, 366 Insanity, and alcoholism, 1 1148; Galton's experiments as to, II 247, 248; in descendants of the very able, IIIA 32; heredityand,IIIA 277, 298,322; convolutions of the brain in, IIIA 298 `Insectivorous Plants,' Darwin's, 11181 Insects, hearing of, 11 217 Inspiration, from an unseen world, 11260, 261 Instincts, Galton on vicious, II 230; observations re garding, IIIA 135; of higher animals, MA 130 Institute of Actuaries, Galton's appeal to, III, 3a 536-539 `Instrumental Instructions for Mr Consul Petheriek,' 1127 In8trumentarium, of Galton, 11 3 Instruments, or apparatus designed by Galton-anthropometric or psychometric, 11212, 213, 215-228, 370, 373; meteorological, 11 44-49 (drill pantagraph), 59; a lock, I 148; a lamp, I 148, 149; a balance, I 149; a printing telegraph, 1212, 213; for compounding six objects, 11 285; hyperscope, II 20, IIIB 618; wave engine, II 51; heliostat, II 19; 'Tactor' machine, II 50; for optical combination of images, II 285; Iceland spar com ounder, II 287; measurement of resemblance machine, II 332-333; instantaneous attitude snapper, IIIB 629 (Addenda); spectacles for divers, II 34; whistles for high notes, II 212, 216; pocket registrator, 11 341; for testing the perception of tint differences, II 219; for measuring rate of movement of a limb, 1 1220 Instruments, standardisation of, for Kew, Il 59, 60, 223-226 Insurance Offices, eugenic data from, IIIB 537-539, 542. See also Institute of Actuaries Intellectual Ability, and the normal curve, 1190,91; and eminence, 1 191; and sensitivity, II 222 Intelligence, inheritance of, 11 75-77, 104-106; and physical characters, II 77, 94, 388; and fertility, 11 77-80, 94; and size of head, 11 94, 343, 387, 388; of different races, II 106-109, 351, 352; normal curve and, II 104; dominance of, II 108; sign of high, 11236 Intermarriage, within the class, II 121, IIIA 231 International Eugenics, IIIA 219, 220 International Health Exhibition, Anthropometric Lab oratory at, 11357, 362, 370-386 Interpolation, George Darwin's paper on, IIIB 467 Intra-uterine Influence, IIIA 59 Introspection, in women, II 242; free-will and, 11245247 IIris, markings on, 11 306 Iron Industry, and the Farmer family, 139 Irresolution, and free-will, 11246 82-2