OCR Rendition - approximate
6510 Index Herschel, Sir W. J., work of, on finger-prints, MA 140149, 161,166, 174-177,187,195, IIIB 590, 591; letter of, on finger-printing, IIIA 152; Galton's dedication to, MA 199; illustrations from material on finger-prints of, IIIA 182 Plate XVI, IIIA 197 Plates XIX-XXII; forefinger-prints of, at interval of 54 years, IIIA 439; contract of, with Rajyadhar Konai, first known Indian print for legal purposes, MA 146 Plate V Hertz, Miss, Galton congratulates her on her engage ment, MB 468, 469 Hertz, Mrs, founder of a scientific salon, Galton writes to, IIIB 464, 476, 500, 503, 527; letter of, to Galton, 11111 3500 Hewlett, Prof. R. T., notice by, of E. Wheler-Galton's work, MB 579 Heydon Hall, home of the Earles in Norfolk, 1" 246 Plate LXIV Hibbert, Mrs, Galton's nurse-housekeeper, IIIB 582, 583 Hill, Elizabeth, - Erasmus Darwin's mother, I 17; portrait of, 116 Plate VII Hill,, Sir John, the botanist, 117 Hill, Leonard, and the inheritance of ability, IIIA 103, 229 Hill, Sir Rowland, size of head and stature of, 11 150 Hill-James, Col., Galton meets at Biarritz, IIIB 557 Hills, Mrs (nee Grove), Galton's warm friendship for, MB 596 Hindhead, Galton at, IIIA 277, 323-326. See also Haslemere (with Grayshott) Hindoos, finger-prints of, MA 195 'Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux Siicles' of de Candolle, 11134, 135, 145, 207, 208 Historical Society, foundation of, at Cambridge, I 171, 172, 174, 178,183 History, in educational scheme, II 155; of personal identification by finger-prints, MA 138-154 Hobbes, on generic image of man, 11 298 Hobhouse, L. T., on Eugenics, MA 260 Hodgkin, on the Roman Empire, IIIB 540, 541 Hodgson, Mrs Brian, her photograph of Galton, MA 303 Hodgson, Prof. J., at birth of Galton, 162; physician to Tertius Galton, 1192; medical sponsor to Galton, 190; advises Galton, 199, 103, 113, 126, 127, 130, 152, 187, IIIB 452; Galton's recollections of, IIIB 565 Hodgson, T. V., on finger-prints, ME 486 Hodograms (isochronous curves), 1157 Holy Land, Galton's first impressions of the, 1203 Home (the medium), and spiritualism, II 62-66; and Mr Sludge, 11 63, 64, 66 Homes, of the Galton and Darwin families and of their ancestors, I 28-30, 49-52, 62, 74, IIIB 571, 580, I 30 Plate XXIII, I 48 Plates XXIX, XXX, I 49 Plate XXXI, 150 Plate XXXII, 1 74 Plate XLIII, 1246 Plate LXIV Homogeneity, Galton on, in statistical data, IIIA 303 Homoscedasticity, definition of, MA 5; in sweet-pea experiments, MA 7, 13 Homotyposis, reception of paper on, by Roy. Soc., MA 241, 243; lecture on, IIIA 247 Honours, concerning, MA 236, 237; conferred on the young and on the old, MA 249, 250 Hooker, J. D., and Galton, II 140; on farm for experi mental breeding, IIIA 134; on fertilisation of sweet peas, MA 325; medallist of Linnean Soc., IIIA 340, Copley, MA 431, MB 614; size of head and stature of, 1 1150; death of, IIIA 342 Hope-Pinker, models bust of Jowett, IIIA 126; and bust of Weldon, IIIA 281, 301, 302, 374; visits Galton, IIIA 333 . Hopkins, Alice, Biography of, IIIA 357 Hopkins, W., Galton reads mathematics with, 1153,162 167, 181; pupils of, I 171; not the ideal teacher for Galton, I 194; asks Galton to accept office of Gen. Sec. to Brit. Assoc., MB 458 Hoppit, Mrs (bedmaker at Cambridge), lights Galton's fires, 1143; sevenfold offspring of, 1164 Homer, Leonard, and the child Francis Galton, 165; at tends ameetingoftheBrit. Assoc.,190; Galton visits his house in London, 1108, 111, MB 453; praises Galton, 1143; gives Galton introductions at Cambridge, 1.145 Hornets, specimens of, IIIA 251 Horses, composite photographs of, II 288 Plate XXX; photographed for Galton, Me 506, 507; standardised method of photographing, 11320,321, 322; breeding of, 11322, 323; effect of continued selection in, 11 399; prepotenoy in trotting, M A 98-100; speed of American trotting, 11399, IIIB 498; hereditary colour in, MA 95-98; Galton's papers on, 11 398-400 Horsley, Sir V., attacks work of Eugenics Laboratory, MA 408, 430 Hospital, Galton admitted as pupil to Birmingham General, I 90; letter to Galton from his father on admission to, 191; Galton's studies and experiences in, 192, 99-104; at Frankfort, 195 Hospitals, two purposes of, 11 344 Hotham, at Cambridge, 1167, 171 Hottentot Ladies, study of the peculiar anatomy of, 1231, 232 Houghton, Lord, on epitaphs, IIIB 562 House of Lords, reform of, IIIA 33, 34, 405 Howard Ancestry of Charles Darwin, 117, 1244-246 Huggins, Sir W., and dog 'Kepler,' II 66; speech on award of Darwin Medal to Galton, IIIA 236 Hughes, friend of Galton at Cambridge, I 153 Hughes, Thomas (author of 'Tom Brown'), aids 'The Reader' newspaper, II 68 Huguenots, gain to England from, IIIA 229 Human Faculties, measurement of, 11 268-270 'Human Faculty and its Development,' Galton's 'In quiries into,' 15, 1187, 207, 212, 238, 241, 248-267, 361 Hume, on generic image of man, 11 298 Humidity, register of, II 50 Hungarian, Galton's lecture translated into, IIIB 585 Hunter, D., Galton calls upon, 1148 Hunting, and shooting, Galton's enthusiasm for, 1208, 209,234 Hurst, Capt., on inheritance of eye colour, 111324, 376 Hutchinson, Jonathan, life register of, 11 369; museum of, MA 324 Hutchinson, W., and Renan's 'Antichrist,' IIIB 572 Huxley, T. H., and Galton, 11 62; on the principles of Charles Darwin, H 203; at Darwin's funeral, II 198; on Dr Erasmus Darwin, II 203, 204; London Uni versity and, IIIA 289-291; Romanes lecture of, II 82; talents and characteristics of, II 178, MA 333, IIIB 506; on trickery of a medium, II 63; and spiritualism, II 67; and agnosticism, II 102; 'The Reader,' 'Nature' and, II 68, 69; size of head and stature of, 11 150; chaffs Herbert Spencer, IIIA 142; letters of, to Galton, in the Galtoniana, 1 1229 Huxley Lecture, given by Galton, MA 226-235, 246 Huxley Medal, presented to Galton, MA 226, 235 Hyacinthus candicans, named Galtonia, IIIB 534; on Emma Galton's tombstone, IIIB 533 Hybridisation, and variation, II 84; co-operation re garding observations on, IIIA 135 Hybrids, Galton and Darwin on, 11 169, 189; fertility of, MA 130,131 Hydrogen, use of, with Galton'; whistle, 1 1217 Hydrophobia, through wolves and dogs, IIIB 547