OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 635 Barclay, Robert (the Apologist), I 10, scholarship and character of, 127, 28; in London, 135 Barclay, Robert (father of Lucy Barclay), 110; portrait of, 130 Plate XXIV Barclay, Capt. Robert (the pedestrian and athlete), 110, 30; portrait of, 130 Plate XXIV Barings, the, a noteworthy family, IIIA 113 Barlow, logograph of, II 192 Barometer, limited use of, 11 55 Barometric prediction of weather, 11 54, 55 Barrington, Amy, work and assistance of, I Viii, IIIA 305, 314, 322, 368, 372, 387, 426 Barron, Galton consults with, IIIB 529 Barrows, Miss, work of, IIIA 426 Barth, and an African memorial, II 25; geographical discoveries of, 1131, 71 Bartlett, and experiments on pangenesis, 11 159 Basques, finger-prints of, IIIA 193; language and habits of, IIIA 279; Galton's appreciation of, RIB 564 Basset Hounds, law of ancestral heredity applied to, IIIA 40 11, IIIB 503 Bateson, W., on evolution committee of Roy. Soc., III- 126, 127, 290, 291; as referee at Roy. Soc., IIIA 241; and Galton's views, IIIA 81, 82, 86; and the foundation of `Biometrika,' IIIA 100; on actuarial and experimental methods, IIIA 260, 288; on scientific knowledge, IIIA 288; hostility of, IIIA 383, 388, IIIB 528; in the Report of the Hybrid Conference, IIIA 314; on sports, IIIA 120; at the Darwin-Wallace celebration of the Linnean Soc., IIIA 340; and the Darwin Commemoration, IIIA 369; on horse colour, IIIB 561; Galton's letter to, on Eugenics, IIIA 220, 221; letter of, to Evelyne Biggs, IIIA 288 Bate-son, Mrs W., assistance of, IIIA 220, 288 Bath Chair, Galton enjoys, IIIB 587, 595, 596, 600, etc. Batt, Jaspar, a strenuous Quaker, 135, 37, 59 Baxter, on hair colour and liability to disease, 11354, 371 Bayonets, source of namfe, IIIB 555 Beale, Dr J., in letter to Boyle, 11 229 Bearcroft, W., meets Galton in Egypt, IIIB 519 'Beauty-map,' Galton's project of, 11 341 Beddoe, Dr, and anthropology, II 334; on medical life histories, II 359; paper of, for `Biornetrika,' IIIA 249, 256; on Galton's sense of humour, 11 310 Bees, and fertility, IIIA 218; andsweet-peas, IIIA 325,326 Beetles and wasps, Wallace on, IIIA 370 Beheading, and the `long drop,' 11407, 408 Beliefs, necessity for testing, 11297. See also Creeds Benedict, on identification of criminals in Vienna, IIIA 148 Berbers, and Egyptians, characteristics of, 1203 Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III, portrait of, and composite, 11 296 Plate XLII Bergeret, his `Des fraudes dans l'aceomplissement des fonctions generatrices...,' 11142, 143 Berkeley, on generic images, 11 298 Bernoulli, Chr., uses word 'Biometrie,' IIIB 500 Bertie Terrace (home of Galton's mother and of his sisters in Leamington), visits to, II 88, and in most years; last visit, IIIB 570 Bertillon, his system of identification of criminals, II 304, 305, 380, 383, 397, 398, IIIA 5, 55, 140-142, 144, 150-152, 155, 187, 188, 199; letter of, to Galton, IIIA 144, 145; letter of, to Dr Faulds, IIIA 144; vanity of, IIIA 249 `Bertillonage,' IIIA 140, 144, 148-153, 159, 187, 188, 200 Besant, Sir Walter, and the University of London, IIIA 289 Bess, Galton procures the vase with the God upon it, I 202; presented to the British Museum, MB 473; casts of the vase, IIIB 473 Beverley, and use of finger-prints in India, MA 147 Bewick, T., his thumb mark, IIIA 175; vignette of churchyard, MB 580 Biarritz, Galton at, IIIB 553-559 Bicknell, Mr, stays with Galton, IIIB 587, 588 Bidder, G., experiments with, 1 1195-196; number form of, II 242, IIIB 469; inherited faculty of, II 276; at Plymouth Aquarium, MB 579 Biggs, Evelyne ('Eva,' great-niece to Galton), plans to be much with Galton, IIIB 512, 520-522; to live with Galton, IIIB 520; with Galton, IIIA 279, 280, 282, 285, 287, 310, 324, 360, 374, 375, 388, 389, 391, 429, 433, IIIB 447, 449, etc.; travels with Galton, IIIB 507-512, 515-519, 520-522; her care of Galton, IIIB 595, 617, etc.; Galton's appreciation of, IIIB 512, 513, etc.; first ride in a motor car, IIIB 547; on Eugenics Education Soc., IIIA 433; Galton's letter to, on family prayers, IIIA 271; Galton's letters to, IIIB 577, 597, 603, 605, 612; Bateson's letter to, IIIA 288; Sir Archibald Geikie's letters to, IIIB 617; letters of, to Karl Pearson, IIIA 433, IIIB 618; to Lady Pelly, IIIA 433; to Perry Costs, IIIB 618; sketches of, M A 278; becomes a Roman Catholic, IIIB 604, 605; health of, IIIB 583, 605, etc.; portrays the personality of Galton, IIIB 618; portrait of, IIIB 507 Plate LIII; with Galton at Ockham, IIIB Plate LVIII; sketches of Francis Galton, II viii, 425 Biggs, Rev. G. H., father of Eva Biggs, IIIB 512 Billiards, and thought without words, 11 274 Billings, Dr, and composite crania, 11 294 Binet, A., and 'Psychologie des Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'lchecs,' 11 275 Binomial Polygon, and normal curve, 11338, 339; and statistics of stature, II 339 Biographer, difficulties and duties of, I v-ix, 1-4, II v, 88, IIIA vii, 413 Biographers mislead, MA 277 `Biographic Evangelica,' of Middleton, 11100, 101 Biographical Register, Galton's, 11 355 Biological Farm, proposition for, IIIA 133, 134. See also Experimental Farm, Biometric Farm Biologists, mechanical aptitude in, II 151; and Biometry, IIIA 254, 256, 283, 286, 287 Biology, and Galton, 11 62; source of Galton's interest in, 11 201; future of, IIIB 501 Biometric Farm, need for, IIIA 251 Biometric Laboratory, IIIA 224; and Eugenics Record Office, IIIA 258, 297-299; and Eugenics Laboratory, IIIA 296-299, 303-305, 315; motto of, II 233; apparatus used in, IIIA 308; post-graduates in, IIIA 345, 356 Biometric Soiree, IIIA 335, IIIB 605 Biometricians, future outlook for, IIIA 381; on holiday, IIIA 277, 280, 322, 342, 368, 369, 388-390, IIIB 441, 527, 628, 583 'Biometrika,' and Galton, II 69, IIIA 248-250, 325; foundation of, IIIA 100-102, 235, 241, 243-245, 248, 281, 285, 319; guaranteed fund for, IIIA 244, 245, 250; early struggles of, IIIA 239, 254, 256; first proofs of, IIIA 246, 247; vol. II of, IIIA 251; progress of, IIIA 368, 425, 431; reconstitution of, IIIA 281, 302; skull photographs in, IIIA 257; definition of technical terms in, IIIA 334; new year greeting to Galton in, IIIA 394; Royal Society and, IIIA 283; Biologists and, IIIA 254; 'Journ. of Anthropological Institute' and, MA 247; Weldon memorial and, IIIA 285, 301 Biometry, and the Royal Society, IIIA 100, 101; early difficulties of, IIIA 101, 282, 283, 286-288; Bateson's contempt for, IIIA 288; Mendelism and, IIIA 357, 358; Eugenics a branch of, IIIA 309; loss of Weldon to, IIIA 280 80-2