OCR Rendition - approximate
634 Index Antlcropometric Characters, and mentality, II 232, 233, 388 Anthropon?etric Laboratory, Galton's, II 357-362, 370386, 11 371 Plate L, II 378 Plate LT, II 397, 398; in the Galton Laboratory, 11365, 373; in Cambridge, 11 226, 379, 387, 388; at Oxford, 11 379, IIIA 328; -it Eton, It 379: in Dublin. TI 379; in Tokio, 11 226; in schools, factories, etc., 11 336, 337, 343346; medico-metric section of, It 359; functions of, T1. 213, 346, 38'2, 395; instruments for, II 212, 213; cost of running, 11 39:3: Galton's pioneer work regarding, 11226 AnIthroponmetr-ic Measnrern.ents, IT 336, 337; value of, If :381, 382; the normal curve applied to, II 386. See also Normal Curve Avthropometrk: Registers, need for, II 252, 398 Anthroponietry, and Galton, 11 334; aims of, II 380; definition of, II 345, 346; methods and scope of, 11 346; progress of, 11211 ; in schools, II 336, 3:37, 343-345; industrial, IT 358, 382; scientific value of, I t 382 Anticyclones, first noted and named by Galton, 11 39-41 Antioelms, composite portraits of, 11 295, 296 Plate X X X VIII: Anti-sn//'rage Society, Galton on Committee of, IIIA 359 Ants, from Petrie's settlement, 111A 251 Apes, finger-prints of, TITA 216 Aplsrralux, anthropometric, it Cambridge, IT 388: for measuring index of mistakability, If 329, 330; for use in taking finger-prints, IIIA 155, 177, 178; for refrigerating in the tropics, Il. 397; for measuring reaction time, ]If" 514; for measurement of re semblance, 1] 131 5713. See also Inslrn.m.eats Aquarium, at Plymouth, Ga.lton's interest in, TITB 579 Arabs, Galton oil, 1128; and negroes, 11 32, 33; profiles of, II :324 Arches, in finger-prints, types of, IIIA 209, 213 Plate XXIII. Sec also Finger-prints Ardennes, Chateau in the, Poem (? by Galton), ITIB 459 460 Arr/yll, Mike qf, at Darwin's funeral, IT 198 Arislides, quotation from, IEIA 239 Arilhme,'iir, irksome, to Galton, TI 400; and imaginary scents, 11 275, 276 rl'Arnand Beg,.Galton meets, 1197, 200; influence of, on Galton, IIIA 158, 159, IIP3 455; Galton's tribute to, IT.] 11 455: his portrait, IIIB 455 Plate XLVI Arnim., Countess ion, Galton reads novels of, IIIB 448, 601. Arsiiv.oc, wife of Ptolemy IT, portrait and composite of, II 296 Plate XLTI Arsinoc, wife of Ptolemy IV, portrait and composite of, 11 296 Plate XL1I Art, and Galton, ITTB 441, 448 Artistic Faculty, inheritance of, IIIA 65, 66, 68, 69; in man and woman, IIIA 66; in husband and wife, IIIA 66 Artists, mental imagery in, II 243; accuracy in, IITB 533 'Arts of Travelling and Carnpairlnierg,' II 16-18 Ase.ain, Galton at, IIIB 561-565 Asqu.ith, H., and Criminal Identification Committee, 1TIA 140, 148, 153 Association, of ideas, Galton on, II 233-236; for promoting a Professorial University in London, IITA 289, 290 Associations, formed at periods of life, TI 235; and education, 11 235 Assortative Mating, 11 79, 105, 106, 149, IIIA 66, 67, 70, 102, 231; in temper, II 271: in stature, IIIA 17; table showing statistics of, IIIA 17; the source of varieties and, 11272, 273 Asthma, in the Galtons, 152, 53, 1.23, 127, 1.56; Francis Galton suffers from, IIIA 238, 249, 250, 339, 360, 430, 431, III- 481, 520, 608; and gout, I 185; carpets and, III- 520, 532 Astronomy, Galton on, II 335; need for statistical knowledge in, IIIA 333; correlation in, IIIA 370 Athenae•u.rn Club, Galton nominated for, I 114, 145; Galton and Herbert Spencer at, IRA 317, 11111 (326, 627; Galton's asthma at, TITA 238 Athenians, ability of, II 107, .108 Athletics, and tests for physical efficiency, IT 394 Aticinson., with Galton on reading party, 1 155, 159 Atoms, variation in, IIIA 314, 315 ,I twood, Rev., schoolmaster to Galton, 177; sees Galton at Cambridge, I 150 Andi.bi.lity, at limits of, IT 215, 216; in men and women, II 221, 222. See also li'lr.istles, Ga.lton's :I nriitory ,Sensation, experiments on the, If 272, 308. See also 11earirrg Austin., Air, letter from, on composite portraits, 11 192 Australia, recent discoveries in, 11 24, 25 Australian Na.t-in, ability of, 11 1,06 Austria, colour associations and number forms from, IT 240 Autobiography of Galton, TLIA 329, I1:1.- 58511588; appreciation of, ITTB 613. See also ' Memories' Anlergne, Ga.lton's trip to, 1. 93, 94 I rebury, Lord, takes chair at Calton's Hnaley leeture, TTIA 226; congratulates Galton on Copley 11Tedal, TITA 400; grows older, It fB 5:34; on gout, I I [B 590 Am'erarge, misleading use of, 11 400, 401 Asoerayes, and individual variation, Tf 171 Aversion., Galton on, I 12-58 Avignon, Galton at, 1 199 Avuncular and cousin resemblances, TITA :329, 333, 3:34, 356 Bach, Sebastian, cited by Galton as a sport, IIIA 85; not a sport, IIIA 120 Bacon, Francis, ability of, IT 107 Ilaronuin. method, and work of Calton and Ds,rwia, 158 Ba+lcn-Pou chi, Galton calls oil, If 113 568 Bad en-1'owell, llhiss, silhouettes of, .11111 577, 6113 Ba-n., Prof. -I., and tests on idiots, II. 272 Baler, Sir Samuel, and African exploration, II 25, 30 Balance, invented by Galton, T 149 Balbiani, views and statements of, II 181, 182 Balfour, L'ca•l, elected to 'Urinity Fellowship, T f [A 236, 238; ]'resident of the British Association, 111," 276; speech of, 1103 518; appreciation of, 1111; 528 Balfour, Francis, experiments of, on pangenesis, II 176 Ballad, of Whittier on David Barclay, 1 28, 29 Ballater, fine men from, ITIB 554 Banking, enterprise of the Galtons in, 132, 33, 50, 51 Barbarians, and the barbarous, 111A 336 Barber, Mr, the African hunter, III- 516 Barclays, in Galton ancestry, I 10, 26-:35, also Pedigrees in pockets at ends of Vol. I and Vol. IIIA Barclay, David, I 10, 30, 33; sufferings of, I 28; slave emancipator, I 32; Thomas Young brought up in house of, 148; portrait of, 128 Plate X Xl T Barclay, Hedurorth, Galton up the Nile with, 1200-203 Barclay, Lucy (wife of Samuel Galton the second), parents of, 133, 46; cousin to Priscilla Farmer, 133; marriage of, 133, 46; character of, 148, 49; portraits of, 144 Plate XXVI, 146 Plate XXVIII; silhouette of, 144 Plate XXVI; sampler of, I 46 Plate XXVII Barclay, Margaret (Mrs Hudson Gurney), parents of, 133; shows Galton over Ury, I 104, 105; portrait of, 191 Plate XLVII