OCR Rendition - approximate
600 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Eva is not as strong as is her wont. An old strain, at least nine years old, has been too much ignored of late, and she is ordered rest, and to get fat, if possible. I expect Lucy Cameron Galton today for the inside of the week. She will tell me about Cameron, who is somewhere in the Alps, and of Violet who was with a friend in Venice. Life goes on here much as usual; quietly and contentedly. My man-nurse continues skilfully to snare rabbits, which we continue to eat. Edward Wheler killed 131; they devour his corn. Loves to all under your hospitable roof-tree. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. Fox HOLM, COBHAM, SURREY. September 11, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY,- Yes, the c in the French "scepticisme" is "muet," which improves the anecdote. What a difference of sense one letter makes! I have no new ones to tell. To-day is glorious and I have had a trundle in my bath-chair, very successfully. Galtonias are sensitive to soil. Those hereabouts are very good. More than half of our stay here is over. I shall be glad to be safe in Haslemere before wintry weather arrives. I have been won over by a piteous appeal, in consequence of an offer from Karl Pearson, to accept a puppy, It is a pure albino of pure albino descent,-a Chinese pug with the name of Wee Ling. Albinism has been a recent study of Karl Pearson. This little creature may prove ancestor to a valuable breed of them; valuable, I mean, from a scientific point of view. Eva will rejoice in the young pet, of whom I have a photograph. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. THE RECTORY, HASLEMERE. October 4, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, We are just arrived after a very easy li hours' motoring. "We" includes the puppy, who bewailed most of the way in an unknown dog -language, very like the self-made noises in a bad telephone. This place seems very suitable, but I have only seen this one room, the drawing-room, as yet. They are unpacking upstairs and in 2 hour after tea I shall be carried up to my bedroom. I am indeed grieved at poor Jimmy's renewed ear-trouble. It sounds so very serious. It feels very nice to be again near to many old friends and to have again seen familiar roads and scenery. The trees are just beginning to show autumn colouring, but some cottage creepers that we passed on the way were fully turned into gorgeous reds. Eva is distinctly better under her regimen of fattening food and rest. The latter will now, I hope, be taken in full doses, as Violet* will be here to-morrow afternoon for her long stay. She, Eva, has shown me your letter which was awaiting her. I learn now that the house is the "Rectory," not "Vicarage," as I had been told. The latter address has however sufficed. I am so glad you liked the Gibbon-Salomons. This is an ideal country parsonage, such as a cultured clergyman would enjoy. Excuse more. Ever affectionately, with many loves, FRANCIS GALTON. THE RECTORY,.HASLEMERE. October 19, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, Again I am unpunctual and blush (internally). All goes on steadily. Eva is happy in bed, and Violet seems to enjoy her double occupation of nurse and housekeeper and of companion to me when out of doors-twice yesterday, but often nil owing to bad weather. I have had calls from two scientific friends, full of information and pleasant talk. You will have received the Eugenics Review. Mugge's paper strikes me as very good. A substantial but comparatively thin book on Eugenics by the Whethams is just'out. It is well written and well got up. He is a Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, and his wife and coadjutor is zealous and able. He takes a broad and sensible view of the necessity for our Race Improvement. It is so well written that it may win its way. The albino puppy grows in body and mind. His tail curls tightly already, and he has had his first lesson in Sociology, through offending the cat and receiving a wipe of her claws upon his little pink nose. Lucy Studdy comes to Haslemere next Saturday. We can't take her in, but there is a fair hotel very near and she can meal with us. Three invalids in one house would tax domestic resources too much. There will be much "high faluting" in Birmingham this week. An extension of the University there will be opened and their power of giving degrees will be exercised for (I think) the first time. Oliver Lodge will be in his glory and will, I have no doubt, act his part exceedingly well. My horizon is now so narrowed that I have little to tell that would interest you. Eva would send her love if she knew I was writing. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. * Violet Galton, a sister of Cameron Galton; both were Francis Gallon's first cousins once removed.