OCR Rendition - approximate
Uharacterisationb, especially by Letters 599 and papers. There is so much that I shrink from parting with, but which I can never use again and which would be useless to others. Mere rubbish in short to all but my past self, so it must go to the scrap heap. All I saw of the fleet were the few destroyers and submarines moored at Westminster and the Tower Bridges. I ventured on that much in a taxi-motor. So sorry about your horse. He must be a great loss for the time, notwithstanding the occasional drives in Guy's motor. A Eugenics Review, under the title of "Rassen-Hygiene," has been started in Munich, by a very capable man, Dr Ploetz, who is the editor of a really solid anthropological periodical. The society that issues the review has five honorary members among whom are Haeckel and Weismann, and I am asked to be its honorary Vice-President, which honour I have gladly accepted. But I must work up my German ! Both our loves to you all. You will be solitary when Amy leaves you for a week. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. August 7, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, Thanks many, re Miss Annie Butler. I fully believe that the National Institution for the Feeble-Minded is the Society in which Dr Alice Johnson is much interested, as the Eugenics Education Society also is. Its secretary, Miss Kirby, is a very nice and capable woman. The model of my bust is finished, except just the coat which is being modelled at the studio-I mean a little of it. Sir G. Frampton has had my coat and overcoat nearly two days already. I hope to get them back to-day. But it is so delightfully warm that I am putting on still cooler things. The bronze cast won't be ready till near Xmas. The operations take much time. I should like to see the white-hot metal poured in. All that part is done by specialists. We have quite fixed to go to Torquay for the winter. My two doctors severally and collectively recommended it. I don't think that in essentials I am any better, perhaps a little worse. No diminution of swelling of the legs, rather less strength, but happily much less rheumatics. Recollect my address after Monday will be Fox Holm, Cobham, Surrey, for two months. Eva will run down to Torquay in a few days to house-hunt, escorted by a lady friend who is staying there. Edward Wheler came up for a few hours to see and criticise the bust. Also, Cameron Galton slept a night here on his way to Geneva. They were of decided help. The likeness was brought out much better through their hints, and seems satisfactory to all now. Edward told me about Edward Lethbridge's visit to him. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. Loves to you all. Fox HOLM, COBHAM, SURREY. August 29, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, What a house-full you have ! Please tell Edward that my conscience pricks me at never having answered his letter about Jim, saying how much better he was. I was very glad to receive it. We get on very pleasantly here, especially when the sun shines. My man-nurse is an accomplished poacher and snares rabbits in our own grounds, which we eat. We see various members of the large Buxton family, all nice and interesting. The big house, "Fox Warren," now belonging to the Postmaster-General, Sydney Buxton, is occupied by a cousin. I get into a carriage most days, by means of an artful contrivance and the help of two men, and so for a 11- hours' drive. Also, my tent is an immense comfort. It keeps out the wind and lets in the sun. Yesterday I had a good 2 hours' steady work in it. Much love to you all. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. There is an appreciative article on Lucy Studdy as an embruidress, with an excellent portrait, in a monthly magazine called Needlecraft. Fox HOLM, COBHAM, SURREY. September 6, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, Your account of Jim's health and hearing is unexpectedly grateful. Best congratulations to all concerned. You must indeed be a house-full. Here is a story sent me by Lionel Tollemache: Some French ladies were deploring the spread of scepticism (which word is, I think, pronounced with a softer c in French than with us), whereon one said "Heureusement on a invente les antiseptics"!! Our plans are quite shaped now. We go from here straight to Hasleinere and I lend 42, Rutland Gate during the winter to the Gibbons. It will be a great comfort to them. She was Gwen Chafy, as you know, and he will be a kind of man of business to me. Also my bedroom will be intact and I could come back at any time. The Buxtons' house close by is called "Fox Warren." It might appropriately be called "Buxton Warren." There are so many of them there and thereabouts, and all are attractive.