OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 597 jleft to me like her. I can count one, but not more without some reservation. And in my own family there are none of my generation, and very few of yours besides yourself. Sic transit. I am ust beginning Saleeby's new book, Parenthood and Race Culture. He dedicates it to me as "The August Master of all Eugenists." I read it in proof and, though there is much I would myself strike out, expect it will do good. He has eminently the art of popular writing with fluency. Mrs Horace Darwin spent a night with us, and her nice daughter* came to luncheon. She, the daughter, goes in for botany. Eva and I taxi-cabbed through Bushey and Richmond Parks a few days ago. It was town the whole way to one end of Bushey Avenue, but still countrified on the way back through Richmond Park. Love to you all three. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 31, 1909. DEAREST MILLY, You send me three grateful bits of news. 1. Frank's new appointment; 2. Guy's success in connection with the car trip; and 3. The new American grandson. Best congratulations thereon. I look forward to next Saturday with much pleasure. But you will find me a very helpless host. I can only walk a few paces and those totteringly and with pain, but get out sometimes twice in the day in my bath-chair. Kensington Gardens have been, and still are, lovely in parts, almost beyond expression. I am grateful to have lived to see this Elysian spring. Good-bye till Saturday. Ever affectionately, with loves to you all, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 15, 1909. MY DEAR EVA, The exact breadth of the arm-chair is 28 inches. If the garden gate be 30 inches wide, it will do well. 29 would do, but it would be rather a shave. I am so glad you have had an interesting day at Fox Holm. Curious that the Lawrence Jones's should have been there. Yesterday a letter came by post with "Prime Minister" printed on the cover and "Confidential" written inside. At first, I thought it must be some wine-merchant's circular, but its contents were "Confidential. My dear Sir, I have the pleasure with the King's approval of proposing that you should receive the honour of Knighthood on his Majesty's approaching birthday. Yours faithfully, (signed) H. H. Asquith." So I have to live till November 9 t and then shall blossom. Don't make any fuss about it. I told Gifi and Mrs Simmonds, as they would both like to know. I will keep this letter open till near post-time for news of the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, which was issued this morning. Tea-time. Charles G. Darwin is neither 1st, 2nd, 3rd nor 4th, but the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th are bracketted equal, and he is one of these. Mrs Flack has been worse than useless. The result has been that, with my approval, Mrs Simmonds has got her 15-year-old sister to act as tweeny until we leave London. She will arrive to-night. Affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE. June 29, 1909. MY DEAR EVA, I was so tired yesterday that I did not write; Milly helps greatly with my letters and I am at last nearly through with them, about 100. A letter came from the Home Office saying that I was to appear to receive Knighthood at a time to be fixed by H.M. I wrote back a piteous appeal against going to the ceremony, being unfit for anything of the sort, and to my joy a reply came this morning to the effect that I need not go, but that the patent of Knighthood would be sent me. Bad news for the tailors who sent circulars to fit me up for £32 odd. It was fair this morning and I went out in the bath-chair, but a sharp thunder shower suddenly came on, and Charman, I fear, got a little wet. Such nice letters come. I was wrong in rather ridiculing the Salvation Army missive, which, to tell the truth, I had not wholly read through. The last paragraph is very dignified and I respect their motives. So much so, that I am half inclined to frame and hang it up. Things go on here much as usual. McCaskie comes to-morrow. My legs are not one bit better, but I feel well in myself. Bateson has not sent his book. I will wait a little longer and then buy it if lie does not. * Ruth Frances Darwin. j- The actual, but not necessarily the official birthday of King Edward.