OCR Rendition - approximate
596 Life and Letters of Francis Galton well written and healthy throughout, though the first chapters do not hold out that expectation, and his philosophy at the end of it is sound and interesting, and so far as it may clash with your own views, will at all events stimulate. I get through hardly anything. A sheet of scribblings comes upstairs every night and goes downstairs every morning with hardly any daily additions to it, and may come to nothing in the end. Best loves. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. I had a blessed two hours' scientific chat with Karl Pearson, last Saturday, which was most cheering. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 10, 1909. DEAREST MILLY, It will indeed be a pleasure to us both to have you here on June 5.. Eva has no definite plans yet for-the end of the month, waiting, as she said, to see how I get on. But I get on very slowly, the rheumatics are as painful as ever. However I am engineered into my sister Bessy's wicker-work bath-chair, and am trundled in it to the beautiful parks. My doctor, McCaskie, told' me to-day that he was about to leave off practice,' and to hand his. patients over to his sons. This is aa grief to me, for he is a very capable man and I shall- have difficulty in finding a substitute. My plans are gradually crystallising into a moderately sized London flat, and a low country house where I can live on one floor. In the meantime, I am going to live here on the drawing-room floor, turning the back drawing-room into my bedroom and having the man-nurse in the studio. Eva has been. very busy; planning this and the servants are now hard at work in carrying it out. Lucy Studdy comes here for a few. nights next Saturday on her way to you. She will give you our latest news. I trust that Dim will soon get stronger. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42,-RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 16, 1909. MY DEAR MILLY, Lucy arrived at tea-time full of enthusiasm about the beauty, comfort and picturesqueness of your house and with the box of peppermints you sent me. Each of us three eat one after dinner with good stomachic comfort. I send with this a copy of the Problem of the Feeble-Minded, which contains a very useful analysis of the Royal Commission evidence. Please accept it. Lucy gives: a good account of Dim*. I do hope the coming rest-you said she was going to Chester Square-will strengthen her as much as you could desire. She toldme too a little about Guy, whom' she just saw. To-day I have had two trundles in the bath-chair. The wind is cold but I go in -a fur coat, which is a. complete shield from it. I don't think that I am a hit better, though Eva and the doctor insist that I am. Anyhow, I do not gain in muscular strength, nor do the rheumatic cramps leave me. Perhaps they are a trifle better in the arms. Excuse bad writing, due to its being done on an arm-chair table to which I am not yet quite accustomed. The plan of turning the drawing-room floor into my floor answers perfectly. The man-nurse sleeps in the studio. The back drawing-room is my bedroom, and the front drawingroom is still the drawing-room. I get down to the dining-room for lunch and dinner, being carried upstairs after each. It all acts so well that I have given up the idea of a flat, but am looking out for a country house to rent on trial, with option of buying or of prolonging the lease. In this I should spend the winter. I have no news. Ever affectionately, with loves to you all, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 22, 1909. DEAREST MILLY, It will be nice when June 5 arrives. I have taken a house for August and September, near Cobham. Eva went down there yesterday to inspect and to report. Nothing is yet -decided about next winter. I doubt if I am getting one bit better; they say I am, but I don't feel it. Of course, this warm weather is most grateful. This morning I have heard of the sudden death of my dear friend of very many years' standing-Mrs Hills, formerly of Corby Castle, now, or rather lately, of High Head Castle, near Carlisle. She was recently widowed, and spent a few days with us at Brockham Green, the last visit she ever made. She was the daughter of Justice Sir W. Grove, at whose house Louisa was taken so alarmingly ill more than 30 years ago, and who has been like a sister to me ever since. Very few friends are * Pet-name of Amy Lethbridge, Galton's great-niece.